Chapter 15

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I woke to an empty bed, cold like it had only been me here all night. Dim laughter travels from the kitchen and up the stairs to greet me a warm good morning.

I throw on some basic clothes, joggers and a top, I'll get changed properly after a shower.
Quickly brushing my teeth, I look up into the cabinet mirror, wiping the left over stream from someone else's shower.

My eyes don't look as tired as they usually do. The bags underneath seem slightly less puffy and I have an all round good feel. Once I've cleaned up, I take myself down stairs to see who else is here.
Just as I'm about to enter the kitchen I stop.

'So, come onnnn spill the beans! I know something happened between you two, I can tell by the day after glow you've got going on.'
Sarah seems to be working her crafty investing skills on someone this early in the morning, that's just cruel.

'Stop! I do not have a glow!' Dakotas laugh bounces off the walls and into the hall where I seem to be eavesdropping. Nothing could be better than waking up to her sweet laugh.
They continue to gossip and after a moment longer I make myself known.

'Good morning ladies. Sleep well?' I wink at Dakota but Sarah sees and her eyes nearly pop out of her head.

'I knew it! Ha! Eat that Mitch. You owe me twenty quid!' Sarah starts celebrating but we never actually confirmed anything happened between us. I guess she just knows me to well.

Dakotas face goes beet red, she quickly places her cold hands up to them to cool them down as Sarah pulls her into a hug going on about how she's sorry for embarrassing her, all while still giggle like school girls.

It's still only us awake and it's been an hour since I woke up. Sarah slides a brew along the kitchen table for me, perfectly made as always and one for Dakota and herself. The conversation is the usual. The weather, plans for the day and what we're up to tonight. Today is Saturday so non of us are working. I do love Saturdays. It's the one day in the week we all get to chill or do something crazy without worrying about work the next day.

I hear some noise coming from upstairs and stumbling footsteps making there way down the stairs. 'Morning' everyone.' Timothee and Mitch finally join us in the kitchen. Mitch still half asleep plods over to Sarah and gives her a kiss on the cheek while Timothee flops himself in a chair next to me.

'Mornin' everyone. Sarah do you have any cereal I could pinch? I feel like I haven't eaten in days.' The groggy lad wipes away the sleep in his eyes, opening them up for the first time properly since walking into the room.

'Hey mate. Yeah of course, I've got shreddies, weatabix orrrr cinnamon squares. OH and I've got crumpets and toast?' Timmy looks like she's just told him she's a wizard or something, his head looks battered. His reply being the most minimum effort he can muster.

'The last one, whatever that was please.' Sarah laughs at the boy's inability to use his brain so early in the morning and turns around to make his breakfast.

'Toast it is then.' Once shes got everyone settled with their breakfast and drink of choice she pulls herself up onto the counter top with there being nowhere else to sit.

'Hey Erm Dakota how was the pull out?' Timothee looks over to Dakota and me with a smug smile, knowing full well what he's doing.
Dakota spits out her tea all over the kitchen table causing her to cough up the tea that went down the wrong way.

'Bloody he'll mate you're gonna kill her! Death by brew! Mitch pats her back to clear her air way and hands her some kitchen roll.
Nothing else was said about it again but you could just tell everyone was laughing to themselves about it.

'So come on, what we all thinking for today then? Oh Dekota, me and you are going to be doing some training today and might have to find you a wig.' I knew straight away that I'd get a reaction from her if not everyone else in the room.

'A WIG! H, I don't bloody think so! Do you know how much it costs me to have my hair look this nice? A lot of bloody money that's how much. I'm not walking round with a wig on!' Dakotas face looks hilarious when she's angry, well not angry just not getting her own way.

'Calm down! I know. Your hair is lovely baby but we can't risk anyone spotting you and telling Jeffrey you're already here. Or worse him seeing you in person,so, just while we're out in public you'll have to wear a disguise.'

I walk up to Dakota and rub her arms, gently coaxing her into the idea. It doesn't take much for her to roll her eyes at me and playfully push me away.

Sarah smirks at the names we chose to call each other and mouths 'Baby' and 'H' to Mitch who just smirks into his drink. Dakota doesn't put up much of a fight excepting the wig shopping and sighs heavily.

'Fine. But I get to pick the colour!' I can't help laughing at her stubbornness over a wig.

It's now 1pm. I've just about managed to drag Dakota out of the house for this wig. I googled a place near by that sells proper wigs made out of human hair, so it doesn't look as cheep and shiny like the ones from the party shop.
She even changed up her style to blend in more. Not to be picky but I already can't wait to have to back in her normal get up.

 Not to be picky but I already can't wait to have to back in her normal get up

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'I look ridiculous Harry and you know I do. I look like I go to some stuck up snob school for dancing or something. Like seriously, the shoes? I haven't walked in heals since I was 8 and that was because my dad dragged me to some fancy ball with a bunch of cigar smoking ponces.'

Ah theres she is. My tough cookie is still in there somewhere. To make her hate it more, I twirl her around and pull her into a twirl and dip. Proving her choice of words to be fitting.

'Harry, stop! I already look like an idiot don't you join in.' We can't stop laughing together at the thought of us ball room dancing in the shop and enjoy the little things together.

'Please never colour your hair blonde by the way, I much prefer the red. Your my little sneaky fox.' I can't help myself. Everything I say or do around her just flows so naturally, I forget it's only been a couple of days since we reunited after years. She's not technically my girlfriend, I mean we've slept together and have this bong between us but last night something clicked. Everything felt so perfect, I could have swore I heard her say something but I must have dreamt it. Surely she didn't say what I think she said?

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