Chapter 29

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Dakotas POV

'She's gonna be here innnnnn 4.5 minutes H, better be ready. She does not wait around and charges by the hour.'

So let's get everyone up to speed. We're gonna go kill jeffree and return what's left of Ope. Jesus we better start looking for metal hands or some shit poor guy. Let's hope they didn't chop his jerkin hand.

'Hey Erm, H? About what you said, how if shit goes down you'll do whatever it takes to keep us safe. I just wanna make sure you understand this deal goes both ways. You can't expect us to just sit around while you do all the dangerous shit. If there comes a point where I need to step up I am.'

I try to keep my cool while talking, shit the second I say one word that doesn't come out my mouth all cool, calm and collected, H will have me shipped off to an un-none destination by this afternoon.

He takes my head in his hands letting out a big sigh. The cold metal of his rings always shocks me for a split second as if they're burning into my hot skin.

'Yes pretty lady, but shit will in fact not be going down ok? So stop frowning, you're giving yourself wrinkles.'
As always, Harry never fails to make me smile. With just us in the small hall way of H's, we both just hold each-other knowing this is probably going to be the last time we'll get to do this for a while....if ever again.

He holds a warm look in his eyes. A look that makes you want to believe everything will turn out all sunshine and rainbows but who are we kiddin', this is Huddersfield and it's us. Non of us are ever that lucky.

'Dudes! Come on get your shit together she's here!' Mitch doesn't sound in the best of moods today. Understandable but I've never even heard him raise his voice until today. Poor guy, he's clearly not normally apart of all the bad stuff H gets up to, so I don't blame him for being on edge. He's running around like a headless chicken, throwing bags filled with god knows what at everyone and making sure he's got what he needs.

Sarah on the other hand is the complete opposite. It's like they've swopped rolls. Sarah is sprawled out on the sofa, left over takeaway in one hand and her gun in the other. She couldn't look less bothered if she tried.

'Hey, your lady- ship, when you've decided your break times over, wanna help load up all this shit?' As if this house couldn't harbour anymore people, in walks Pope. Thank fuck he's in a good mood because he'd be happy to waste a few bullets on us when he's in a bad one.
Dumping his bag and gun on top of Sarah, she lets out a groan that we've all heard at least 10 times today already, flopping the bag to the floor and standing to her feet.

'How are you just so calm and normal right now?' I ask her looking between both her and Mitch to compare the two.

Sarah smiles a smile that says, I'm not fine I'm just getting shit done, and I just nod in understanding.

It's literally like 4 in the morning and the last thing we want right now is to attract unwanted attention. So what does our driver for today do?


As if we were going on spring break or some shit, they hold the horn down probably waking the entire street.

'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!' Harry, the one who arranged our get away car, stands up hands over his ears and marches to the front garden. 'Bitch are you crazy?! We're coming!'

I peak my head through the living room curtains to try and see who the mystery person was, and damn, I need to get out of this town I know way to many people.

'Zoe Kravitz is our fucking driver?!' Zoe Kravitz was a few years above me in school and god was she something. Harry probably talks a big talk when he's describing me and what I got up to after leaving school, but Zoe, Zoe went on to be a mob wife and I don't mean the stay at home take care of the hundreds of kids kinda mop wife. She practically introduced drag racing, especially drag racing, gambling and money laundering into this shit hole of a town, and I had no idea where she managed to escape to. Shit I didn't even know if she was still alive until right now.

She looked exactly the same as I last saw her

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She looked exactly the same as I last saw her. Hair done to perfection, glowing skin and covered in tattoos. Leaning up against, what I'm guessing is hers, a land rover defender. The latest model. I realise I've just been stood staring out the window like a peeping Tom and quickly follow everyone outside grabbing my things. Pope was still busy shoving toast in his mouth, so I leave him to shut the door.

'Holy shit! I had to see this with my own eyes! Dakota fuckin' Blue! Girl get your ass over here and give me a hug!' It's gotta have been at least 10 years since I last saw Zoe but nothings changed. She runs up to me lifting me off the ground and spinning me around. Me and Zoe were really close at one point in school, we would always end up getting into trouble and being put into detention every Friday together until one of our friends broke us out.

But life moves on and time keeps goin', meaning we lost contact along the way at some point but I'm not sure how or when. How the fuck did she even know where I was or what was going on?

I suddenly feel multiple pairs of arms starting to crush me and Zoe together and gasp for air.

'ZOE! God I'm so glad you're here!' Harry with his bloody great big arms pins me and Zoe to his chest giving us a bear hug. I'm guessing this was H's idea. God I wish we could stop dragging so many people into this problem already! We've got enough as it is. I hate even having to bring H into this never mind the entire town.

'Good to see you Zoe, Jesus I thought you couldn't get any more stunning in school! Guess I was wrong!' Zoe covers her face with her hands grinning like the Cheshire cat, I love getting that reaction from her, she knows she's hot but she always blushes when I tell her.

'Oh pipe down you! You can bloody talk! Are you some high end model or something now or what? Like damn fire, you're smokin'! Zoe and I keep playfully throwing compliments at each-other until H finally steps next to me looking very protective. Let's just say me and Zoe were very adventurous in school and explored our sexuality a bit, it was no secret because why should it be. We were safe and having fun so it's non of there business.

Harry cleared his throat obviously waiting for us to stop having our own mini conversation.
'Sorry to interrupt ladies but we didn't get everyone here for a little catch up now did we hm?' Harrys right, we need to get a move on. I'm guessing H has already filled Zoe in on everything and the whole situation with Jeffrey, so without another word we all huddle out of the doors toast hanging from popes gob, and pile into the car.

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