Chapter 47

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Dakotas POV

November 15th

Since we spotted that creepy man on bonfire night, luckily nothing has happened. Well nothing really could happen seen as H won't let us leave the house. And I mean at all. I was going to go the shop with Sarah the other day and he physically stood at the front door refusing to move, even got pope to guard the back door like some trained bulldog.

The curtains have been closed for days, the locks have been changed and Mitch has been watching me like a hawk whenever Harry has to go out.
'Mitch PLEASE, I have to go to the shop to get lady things! I'll literally be 5 minutes. The shop is only round the corner, nothing can happen in 5 minutes!' I'm going insane being locked up in this house. I just want some fresh air.

'Are you crazy! I'm not letting you out of my sight Dakota! Do you know what Harry will do to me if he finds out I let you go?  I'll tell you! He'll tie me up and chop me into teeny tiny pieces and then go all Sweeney Todd on us and bake me into a Christmas pie!' Mitch is at least 5f 8, but I think I could take him down.

Feeling like I'm loosing it, my only option is to sneak out. 'Fine! God I'll just bleed all over your furniture then shall I? Sarah's ran out as well, are you going to stop her from leaving as well?' Mitch it's rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

I need to get out of here. I say I'm going to Harry's room but really I'm planning my escape. I know Harry's window looks out onto the front side of the house and that there is a drain pipe running all the way down. Looking out the window, I think how I'm going to get out.

'Come on Dakota this is easy. Just shimmy along the window ledge, grab the pipe and slide down. Piece of cake.' I throw on my shoes and coat, grab some change from the dressing table and climb out.

Wow not as easy as I'd thought. Oh god I hope this pipe can hold my weight. I used to do this all the time back at the training camp after hours.
Easy does it, I'm about half way when the pipe starts to make some questionable noises. Shit shit shit!
Before it was about to break I just jump into the garden.

Slipping a-little but pretty much sticking the landing, I'm quite proud of myself.
'Phew! Right the shop, before they realise I'm gone!'

The shop really is only around the corner. I don't see what the big deal is. Who's going to make the effort to follow me to the shops?
The chime of the door sings out, notifying the worker that someone is there. I find what I'm looking for and grab some chocolate to calm my cravings.

'Hey, just these please.' I give a polite smile to the woman on the till and start getting out my money. Once scanned I look up to ask how much, but my heart drops when I see what is happening.
The once kind looking lady at the counter has been replaced with a much scarier looking man, covered in tattoos and built like a house, muscles all over.

I can't move, or speak my whole training has gone out the window. I'm always prepared for anything but my guard has been down in this little town with Harry, I'd never think popping to the corner shop would come to this.

'Erm excuse me, why has the lady gone? I need to pay?' Maybe he works here and just took over. Or maybe I'm trying to make the situation less scary.

'Hello Dakota. I work for Jeffrey. He'd like to see you, so you're going to come quietly and I'm going to take you to him.' Is this for real? He thinks he can just 'take me!' God I'm having a shit day all round. First my period and now this! And come on, Mitch literally jinxed me with the whole 'you can't leave the house' thing.

Racking my brain on ways I could get myself out of this, my first thought is to run for the front door and pray I can out run him. No, he'd catch me before I'd even got half way.

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