Chapter 49

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Dakotas POV

November 26th

'So, H was out yesterday getting my present and I felt so guilty not having got him anything yet, so, you have to come with me to help me!'
Today I woke up feeling positive. I'd told Harry that I needed to go into town with Sarah to get presents seen as I'm so behind everyone else. I ordered Sarah's online a few days ago so I could have her come with me today and not have to worry about hers. I've got her some new drum sticks because hers snapped the other week also a 'diy pottery kit' that she can do at home, she mentioned about wanting some new pots for her plants so I thought she'd enjoy making them herself.

For Mitch I got him something he's been wanting for ages. Another dog. But this dog isn't going to be anyone else's, just his. I know they all take responsibility for Clifford but I've noticed the poor dog is looking a little lonely with everything going on. I've picked out the perfect pup for Mitch. He's a quiet dog, loves to sleep apparently and I just thought he was perfect for him. It's a beagle/ basset hound.

I found him at a dogs home, they said he was found wandering the streets

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I found him at a dogs home, they said he was found wandering the streets. He's a lovely friendly dog that just wanted to sleep and cuddle all day. Sounds just like Mitch.
Sarah was over the moon when I brought up the idea to her first and couldn't wait to see mitches reaction.

We've been wandering around town for just over 2 hours now. Both of us racking our brains on what to get Harry. Our feet are getting saw, our arms are aching from carrying so many bags and we are freezing. I was so annoyed we couldn't find anything for him until I spot something perfect in a bookstore window. Advertising a meet and greet with non other than Stevie Nicks! The Stevie Nicks! I could not believe my eyes when I googled the store and confirmed it wasn't just a look alike coming in. Harry is probably Fleetwood macs biggest fan, and would most likely cry if he met her. The tickets are £650 each, and it's in 3 weeks from now, not bad at all! So I booked 2 tickets, because come on, I'm not missing out on meeting her!

After the longest day of shopping and hot drinks, we finally made it back home. Stepping into the house, a warm welcome from the smell of a delicious dinner being cooked and Harry singing away in the kitchen. I know the song and it brings a big smile to my face. 'Fairytale of new York.' H hasn't noticed us yet, so distracted by singing and cooking. I signal to Sarah to be as quiet as possible and pull out my phone to record this sweet moment. I can see his reflection in the steamed up window, he's got his hair pushed back with a head band, a frilly apron, I'm guessing is Sarah's and a pair of oven mits on each hand.

'It's no place for the old, When you first took my hand on a cold Christmas Eve you promised me broadway was waiting for me!' Singing at the top of his lungs, my heart swelled 2 sizes. So in-grossed in the song, he nearly drops the food in his hands when he turns around to see me filming him.

'JESUS! How long have you been stood there!' The rosey colour in his cheeks that were already glowing from the heat, got even brighter with embarrassment. God, there's that feeling again, deep in my heart.

'I'm sorry! You looked so happy singing along I didn't want to disturb you! I got a cute video tho!' I wiggle my eye brows and wave my phone in the air.

'Oh god baby, please don't show anyone! I'm supposed to be the scary dude remember! This is Halloween all over again.' His cute pleads almost make me want to delete it but I can't, I want to remember this forever.

I tuck my phone away and skip into his arms. Like muscle memory, his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.

'Excited for Christmas baby?' This question should have been so easy to answer. Yes, I am but no, I'm terrified we're going to get another parcel. I wish we could just be a normal couple and enjoy our firsts. Our first Halloween, bonfire night, christmas but I can't because all I can think about is Jeffrey and Opie.

In my own little world I realise how I've not replied and smile. 'Absolutely. I can't wait. What about you? Are you seeing any of your family?'
I know he's got his mum and sister that live in London, so it would be nice for them to see Harry.

Harrys looks slightly shocked that I even knew about them, which is weird because I've known him since he was a teenager. I've met them once or twice when he got back in contact with them just before he left training. They seemed really sweet and friendly. It would be nice to get to know them more.

He clears his throat and looks to the floor, did I say something wrong?

'I'm sorry.... I should- I Erm never mind forget I even asked.' I start to panic, god what if they're not speaking to each-other or worse, what if something happened to them since I last saw them. I go to pull away from his hold when his arms lock around me.

'You wanna meet my family? Officially?' I can't tell if he's asking in a sarcastic/ joking way or if he's REALLY asking me. I look up into his intense green eyes, full of mystery and say what I really feel.

'I do, Harry. I'd love that actually.' My hearts beating through my chest, holding my breath for the worst possible answer. His eyes scan my face, probably trying to read me. He starts to chew the corner of his mouth, holding back from smiling.

'I've been wanting to bring it up but I wasn't sure if you would be up for it. I didn't know if you wanted to be THAT together. But ..... I'm so glad you do. I'll give them a call later and have them come up in time for Christmas day. They're about a 4 hour drive away so not to bad.'
He brings his index finger up to my face and hoops me on the nose, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

Suddenly this is really happening, I'm going to meet his parents.... As his girlfriend. I feel my skin going all hot and red, feeling a little awkward I just pull him closer, pushing my lips to his. He makes a shocked little hum but instantly returns the kiss.

There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, In this case, there's pockets of light coming in threw windows, passing them by in this crazy tunnel. Some times it's dark and scary and we feel like we're loosing everything, but then there's moments like this, where Harry wants me to meet his family and I plan his Christmas presents. These are the moments I'll remember forever.

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