Chapter 52

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November 30th

Dakotas POV

The past few days Harry has been very distant, on edge and well not himself at all. What he did yesterday was beautiful and so thoughtful but it was more for me than him. I know somethings going on that he's not telling me, I just don't know what. Jeffrey is definitely getting to him now, I see that. You can only put on a brave face for so long. After the anger warn off, it's left him worried and stressed.

He hasn't seen or heard from his close friend in months and has no idea if he's dead or alive and the build up to Christmas is stressing us all out, wondering if we'll get another note or word from Jeffrey.
The option to get the police involved has been thrown around quite a few times and he's been very adamant we can't do that because of Opies history and record, also his.

Harry's struggling, mentally and I don't know what I can do. When I first got here it was me who needed comforting, I was so scared Jeffrey was going to kill me, I was loosing it. It's now my turn to comfort Harry.

Harry has been sat on the sofa all day, only getting up to use the toilet. I can tell he needs a bath and some TLC, so, to make him feel a little better I tip toe upstairs and go to the bathroom.
Sarah has a wide selection of bubble baths, soaps and lavender oils all lined up on the side of the bath. Taking full advantage, I pour the lavender oil in the bath. I get the water running and lay out some fresh towels.

Knowing he wouldn't come up if I told him what I was doing, I call down the stairs and ask him to help me in the bathroom.

'One minute!' He shouted back and I hear his heavy footing coming up the stairs. Not really sure how to do this, I start by getting undressed. I don't want him to feel like I'm asking for sex, I want this to be relaxing for him.

Slipping out of his dressing gown, I dip my toe in to check it's not to hot. It's perfect. Gently getting, I just hear Harry getting to the door of the bathroom.

'Hey, what's up everything ok? Oh- whatttts going on?' He quickly shuts the door and locks it after. With the bathroom being quite small, there's not really much room to move around. He looks like a deer in headlights, flustered and not sure what to do with himself.

'H, will you join me? The waters perfect and I think you could use it.' I gently skim my fingertips over the surface of the water, collecting bubbles in my hand. Lifting my knees above the water, I make room for him to get in.

'I Erm- will I fi- ah what the hell.' It doesn't take long to convince him before he was pulling his T-shirt over his head and unbuttoning his jeans. They fall to the floor with a thud, along with his phone other bits and bobs in his pockets.

He lets out a deep sign, almost like he was letting go of some stress. As he's about to climb in facing me, I tell him to turn around so we're facing the same way.
Both giggling like teenagers, he understands and sitting between my legs.

'Come here baby, lay back.' My hands go naturally into his hair, gently combing through it. 'It's getting long again, do you want me to trim it or are you growing it back out?' I'm making small talk because it's what he needs, he needs normalcy.

He lets out a small hum, even he didn't mean to do, sighing. 'Yeah, you can trim it, I'm passed wanting it long.' That was all he said so I didn't push for more conversation.
His back is laying flat against my chest and we're both breathing in the same rhythm.

I let some time go by where neither of us spoke

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I let some time go by where neither of us spoke. Just enjoying each other's company. I messaged strawberry shampoo into his hair and rinsed it out until there were no suds left. Sometimes it's these moments that you remember in the future over big extravagant events. Just being together. Holding each other.

With the bathroom steaming up, and the water mellowing out, I clear my throat and ask the question that has been eating away at me to ask him for some time now.
'Harry, you don't have to tell me, and I won't be mad if you choose not to, but is something going on that you're not telling me. Like besides the Opie situation?' I feel like we're at the point in our relationship that we feel comfortable enough to talk about stuff that is bothering us with each other, I just hope Harry feels the same.

Harry clears his throat and blinks away some water droplets from his eyes.
'Dakota, I don't want you to worry. I- I've been keeping something from you but not for the purpose of not telling you.... I've been dealing.... With..... something..... someone, for a few weeks now and I'm scared if I tell you what's happening you'll be worried or be... mad at me for it.'

The thought of Harry thinking I'll be mad at him for anything, ever, pains me. I don't want him stepping on egg shells around me, I can handle it.

'H, you don't have to hold things back because you're scared I'll not approve. To be honest, Nothing you say or do will make me stop feeling the way I do for you.'

He adjusts himself slightly at the intensity of the conversation, budging up a little closer to me. Still playing with his hair, my fingers kind of have a mind of their own.

'Please. Don't be scared when I tell you. It will break my heart if you freak out. I'm not expecting you to approve, but please don't be mad.' My heart is being squeezed almost to its breaking point. I could only feel one thing for this man right now, love.

' I promise baby, I won't be mad.' Edging him on with gentle words and encouragement, I kiss the top on his head and lay mine on his.

'Ok, I'll tell you. But only because I trust you.....
Mitch told me about that kid, Callum. How he was here and you managed to get him. Well Mitch took him to the tattoo studio, I don't know how much you know because he wouldn't tell me, but basically, we were..... interrogating him, you could say, and I may have lost it. I'm so sorry Dakota, it's not who I am anymore, I didn't plan for it to happen. I didn't mean for things to go that far!' His voice was getting louder and louder, almost shouting. His skin was burning up, and not because of the water.

I only slightly stopped my hands moving through his hair, quickly carrying on so he wouldn't notice I was shocked. What does he mean, 'lost it'? Like screamed at him? Hurt him? The way he's been acting it couldn't have been that simple.

'Harry, what happened to him, how serious is your 'lost it'? Because I don't want to jump the gun if-'

'I killed him Dakota.' That was when I completed froze. My breathing stopped and my hands stopped in his hair. I'm not naive, I know what Harry has done in the past and I know he's not seen as a good person in the eyes of this town, or any town for that matter. But I thought he had changed since we got close. I thought he put that sort of stuff behind him.

'Breath baby, take a breath!' With him laying on my chest, he could feel how still my body went. 'I'm sorry, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Are you ok?'

Turning in his spot, he looks up at me, unaware of the puppy dog eyes he's giving me. Just hoping I accept this side of him. How could I not. I've done just as bad things in my past that I'm ashamed to tell people. Things that have kept me up at night, tossing and turning. With pained and pleading eyes, he doesn't say another word.

It really is love I have for him. Because what else would you call this. I'm not angry or frightened, scared he will do something as awful to me. I know he'd never lay a hand on me, yet I know he's killed someone. Maybe many more people.
To stunned to speak, not because of what he's said, but at the way I'm so accepting to what he's said. All I can do is kiss him.

Pulling his face closer to mine, using his jaw for leverage, I can only kiss him. Im unaware of the warm tears that coat his rosey cheeks until he brings his hand up to wipe them away.
Coming to terms that this feeling I have for Harry is indeed love, only makes me want to hold him closer.
'You mean the world to me Harry. I could never be mad at you. I'm not going to lie and say I'm ok with it, but if you say you didn't mean for it to happen, then I believe you.'

The room somehow felt even smaller after our serious conversation. Looking down at the man I love and back around me, it all felt so intense. Shushing him softly as his tears began to fade, I could only tell him it's ok. Over and over again.
Hi everyone, I've been extremely slacking on my my stories lately and life has been crazy. I'll be posting more of all my stories now and try and keep on top of updates ☺️💜 E x

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