Chapter 7

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A few hours have past since meeting up with Jeff. I told him I'd start looking today but I didn't say exactly when so I'm now sat in The Lion. I've spoke to Tracy about the usual rif raf we always talk about and some banter between the guys but Tracy could tell by the look on my face something was eating away in my brain. She has always been like that, ever since I met her she's been able to pick up on people's mood and how easy it can change.

'Come on styles, you're bringing the mood down love. Are you gonna tell me what's really wrong or are you gonna make me force it out of ya?' A warm smile sits on her face, the type of smile that makes you want to pure your heart out and tell all your secrets and problems just so you weren't the only one who had to worry about them.

'Pub law?' This was our inside rule. Anything we said to each other inside these walls, or anywhere really. It's more the concept of the rule more than the place, we weren't aloud to tell a single soul whats heard from one another. She made it up when I was about 17, I was having some trouble at home and she was a friend who understood what I was going through. I was a lot quieter back then. I was a whole different person really. Before I even started hells angels, before anyone even really knew who I was, I was just some kid from the rough part of town who made a lot of mistakes. I'd come to the pub one night looking to just drink my problems away and fight it out with whoever looked my way.
Tracy was the one to pick me up off the floor when I'd passed out from drinking the bar dry and from then on we've always had each others backs.

'Of course, you know I'm not the one to spread gossip styles.' I lean into the bar to have our conversation a little more private, the punters are friendly but they love a bit of local gossip to entertain themselves.
' ok, do you remember...... Dakota blue?'
Tracy's face went from concerned to full blown worried. Her being close to Dakotas mum, she knew this wasn't going to end well.
She doesn't answer she simply nods slightly letting me carry on.
'...... and you know Jeffrey......' It was at this point it really hit me what I was getting myself into. Only now giving the details to someone else it made me see how serious and dangerous shit could go.
'Harry, why is Jeffrey dragging you into Dakotas business! She runs with the top dogs like high end business men, men with more money you and I could even dream of. Men that will do worse things than Jeffrey could even imagine.  She's an angel in hell Harry, you'd be wise to stay clear of her. Even if that means pissin' off Jeffrey.'

I know what Tracy's saying is true, I know that what I'm doing is stupid and reckless but I can't risk Jeffrey fucking with me or my guys. I've come to far to start a war between us in this town for it all to go to shit now over finding some girl.

'What does he even want with her anyway?' Tracy asks while pouring a pint for me. I wish I knew the answer. When I first got told I needed to find her, I just said she had done a runner like Jeffrey said, but now I'm worried she's actually in a lot more danger. Danger even I couldn't fix.

Tracy took my silence as me not wanting to continue this conversation, realising it's sent me spiralling. She simply gave a straight lipped smile and patted my hands before walking over to the other customers sat at the bar.

It's now 10:45pm.
I'd stayed in the pub for most of the day trying to come up with ways I could find Dakota. She really could disappear forever and no one would be able to find her, well maybe not everyone. I've known her patterns for a long time now. I know that she doesn't work because she has her dad and all of his friends, business colleagues and staff paying for her life. No seriously, she's never worked a day in her life, not that she didn't want to but because they didn't expect her to. She found ways to entertain herself tho. She took courses in self defence, weapon training and identity theft protection. So she's literally a ghost to anyone who didn't know her before she went all incognito.

At this point in the night I'm now walking through the old ally ways behind the housing. I remember what Jeffrey said, how he thinks Dakota may be hiding out in Liverpool. If he knows she's there why wouldn't he just have one of his other men go get her?

Suddenly a loud rumble breaks through the sky above me, the sky lights up as if it had suddenly become day time and in a split second it was dark again. 'Eh really? Can I not even make it to my house without something fuckin' happening!'

That's when the first of many large rain drops dripped right down my face making me scrunch my face up and pull my leather vest over my head. Normally I love the rain, I find it calming and even thunder and lighting. It makes me happy hearing it when I'm indoors asleep in my bed, unlike right now where I feel like a soggy fucking sock.

I make it home, boots, hair and clothes soaking wet through sending a shiver to travel up my spine. The only think I had on my mind was Dakota's face.
The way her fringe would shape her face perfectly, her deep rich brown eyes that felt like they were looking into your soul.
Dakota and I never really spoke growing up. She was quiet and had other friends who I never really spoke to, we were never in the same friend groups growing up and after school I never really saw her, well anywhere really. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to see her. I was told she would hang out at 'Alchemy' on weekends but besides that I would hardly see her.

My head hit the pillow like a tone of bricks dropping from a great hight. I can't believe how long this day had been, and it's gonna be just as bad tomorrow.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now