Chapter 19

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When I make it back to my house, I open the door not expecting what I get.
Mitch is sat on the sofa just chillin' strumming his guitar, happily entertaining himself but it's what I hear what brings a wide grin to my face. Upstairs Dakota and Sarah are obviously getting ready but sounds like they're having their own bloody concert as well. Laughter and music booms from above me as I listen to them singing along to 'I bet you look good on the dance floor' by Arctic Monkeys.

My heart swells knowing how happy Dakota is and how good tonight will be.
When I walk into the living room I place the flowers down onto the coffee table.

'Ooo very nice mr styles, I never would have picked you for a lovey dovey type of guy, buying flowers, next thing you'll be bloody proposing.' His allegation shocked me and made me had to think if I've give away the big secret. I'm definitely giving her the ring tonight but I really don't want Dakota thinking it's a proposal or anything and running for the hills.

'Shit mate, you're not actually proposing are ya!' Mitch puts his guitar to the side whisper shouting at me.

'Of course not dumbass, it's just. Remember when I told you about the ring I bought her years ago before everything went tits up. Well, I'm going to giver her it tonight but I'm scared she's going to think it is a proposal and run like hell. What should I do, would it be weird to give her it now after all these years?'
Mitchs face lit up like I've just told him he's won the lottery or somethin, grinning like a tit.

'Aww mate that's so cute! You are a big teddy bear aren't ya. I think that's a really nice idea mate, especially if you explain the meaning behind it as well. She'll totally understand.'

Having Mitch confirm that it's a good idea, eases my stress over the whole thing. At least if she hates it I can say Mitch told me to do it.

Sarah came downstairs first looking stunning as ever, being all excited about something and said 'you're gonna faint Harry, wait till you get a-load of Dakota.' Just as she said that Dakota came down the stairs bang on queue.

I've never seen someone so stunning in my whole life. Wearing a pink long length dress like she's going to a ball. It was sheer fabric so you could see through it, her wearing a body suit underneath.

'Where the bloody hell did you whip that up from fairy god mother?' I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She's was now standing in front of me blushing to match the dress.

'Oh you know, my magic wand I have for times like these.' Sarah says patting me on the shoulder knowing I'm star struck not making a big deal out of it.

You look absolutely beautiful baby. God you're stunning.' I give her a little twirl around my finger to show her off as she laughs and tells me to stop, knowing she loves it really.

'Oh Erm, I'm not sure if you like these or not but I Erm, got you these.'
I pull the sunflowers I bought earlier from behind my back and hand them to Dakota.
'Oh my god Harry! These are beautiful! Thank you so much, aww you didn't have to get me anything silly.'
She pulls me into a hug a places a kiss to my cheek. 'Thankyou H, they're my favourite. You look amazing as well by the way, very dapper. You ever wore a suit before?'

She gives me a once over, checking out my get up, pulling a face that says not bad.
' I've only ever wore a suit once before in my life and that was for my prom, take it all in while you can cause' it's the last.'

When the girls were ready and we had everything we needed, we got into the car and headed to Liverpool. I knew I wasn't going to be drinking tonight, maybe one or two, but I said I'd be the designated driver. With one hand on the wheel and the other on the arm rest, Dakota places her hand into mine, holding me softly.

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