Chapter 27

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Harrys POV

Dakota has had a pouty face all morning. She's hardly said two words since waking up and hasn't looked Sarah in the eyes at all.

I get why she feels embarrassed but if anything I'm the one who should be embarrassed not her. One of my oldest closest friends has seen a glimpse of my dick and is probably mortified.

It's early, early enough for the sun not even to be up yet and pope is sitting in the living struggling to stay awake. 'Here drink this, you're gonna need as much energy as you can get for today.' I made everyone a coffee and put a big plate of toast on the coffee table.

'So.... Today'. The plan?' I take a seat of the arm of my sofa leaning on the wall behind me, struggling to keep my eyes open.

'Right. I was thinking about how they want Dakota but won't give Opie back until we do. So the only option is to set a trap. We take Dakota and 'tie her up' and in a space we can control. I have an old friend who owns a old police car, don't worry he's not a really policeman. He bought it because somehow that's legal, yeah anyway so, he sometimes uses it to get himself out of dodgy situations, drug deals going bad ect. So we could have him pull up and wait somewhere they can't see. We make the 'trade' but before they have chance to leave, my guy pulls up and confronts them, taking Dakota away from them and drives to safety. Job done no one gets hurt.'

'That's all great mate, but that doesn't solve our problem in any way. Jeffrey will just keep looking for her. He has to be killed. His men to, once they realise we've killed him they'll come for all of us.' I'm starting to panic. What if this all goes tits up and we get hurt.

I can't risk anyone getting hurt. I won't loose anyone.

'I understand you don't want to see anyone get hurt Harry, neither do I. But sometimes we have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best. It's either this or we let Jeffrey take Dakota and probably kill you anyway for taking so long on the deal. The deal probably isn't even still on. He's probably thinking the same thing as us, kill him before he kills us. It's only a matter of time before he gets bored of waiting and kills Opie just out of spite. Shit, he could be dead already and we don't even know. The longer we wait to do this the bigger the consequences are. I see so much potential in you son, you just gotta use it to you advantage.'
I hear what he's saying but I'm just standing there. Looking at the floor, spaced out. Everything he's just said is true, but I'm torn on what to do.
Im risking somebody's life no matter what and I can't do anything to stop it.

Pope gives me a supportive grin patting me on the shoulder. 'You know I'm here mate, I'm by your side no matter what goes down and I'll help as much as I can but that's my deal. Anything goes tutus up, I'm dragging you out of there myself.'

Dakota is in the other room with everyone else. I need to get her alone and explain things might not go to plan but how? How do I tell her one of us might get hurt or worse, or she might get taken by Jeffrey.
A sharp pain thumps at the back of my head, great all this is giving me migraines.

Feeling like there's nothing more I can do other than wait this out and stop stressing for a little while, I walk over to Dakota.

'Dakota, can I Erm speak to you for a sec.'  Speaking low and slow to not make my head worse, Dakota stands up and walks out of the room to talk. Everyone is in the middle of a heated discussion about what we're going to do letting us slip away.

As we Walk up my creaky stairs, I don't let go of her hand behind me.
I can already feel the tears in my eyes forcing their way to fall. Making me light headed.

We end up in our bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed side by side. It's so quite outside you can hear the moths hiding the window.
The moon bright and full leaving a soft glow to the bedroom, kissing Dakotas face lighting up all her best features. It's like the sun never left.

'I don't know how to say this Dakota Erm-

'Harry hey, look what this is doing to you. You barely sleep, you're getting migraines and you look like shit if I'm being honest. Everything you've done for me and are doing is to much. I should just go with Jeffrey and make a deal of my own. I can- I can pay him to leave us alone, to give up Opie I have the money. I have a whole savings account that my parents set up and he'll, he'll leave me alone once he gets money I know he will.'

I don't have the energy to stop her tangent, I just place my hands up to her face, holding her and memorising every feature. If this is going to be the last time we get to be like this I want to remember everything.

'Harry' mirroring me, she cups my face in her small hands, resting her forehead onto mine.
We just sit, holding one another not really sure how I'm going to say what I need to say.

'I'm sorry, Dakotas I'm sorry for getting you into this mess. I m sorry for not just refusing to take this job, but I thought if I don't do it, Jeffrey will only send his men to get you and god knows what they would have done to you.
I never wanted this life for you. Your heart is pure and caring, you shouldn't have been brought into this world.'

'Hey, I chose this life Harry, no one else. I chose to step away from my snobby family and do something better with my skills. I wanted this life and I've been running for so long. I know it was probably reckless and stupid to think I could be some kind of secret agent or whatever I get paid for these days but, I would never take it back because I got meet you Harry. We belong together and you know how I know? Because the way you look at me, the way you talk about wanting to get me away from all of this and want the best for me, is exactly how I feel for you. I met you at the begging of my journey Harry, but you may have found me again at my end. But I know you're doing everything possible to help me. And that's why I know you're the one Harry.'

What is she saying, end? This isn't the end.
Her eyes began to water, and her hands start to shake as she places them in her lap.

'Dakota, whetever you're planning, stop. We will not let you walk to your death because you want to save Opie. Opie is a big boy, he can take care of himself while he waits for us to save him. You, are not going anywhere.'

I won't let her do this and neither will everyone else. We'll handcuff her to the radiator if that's what it takes. I'm not loosing her again.

Dakota starts to cry, more tears than I've ever seen someone cry. She feels guilty and stuck I know she does but I can't loose her.

I pull her onto my lap and cradle her body, wrapping my arms around her. I won't let anything bad happen to her. I can't.
Placing a kiss to her head, I lay mine on top of hers just letting her get it all out.

Whispering calming words between us, more for me I think than her now, 'You'll be alright, Dakota. You'll be alright.'

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