Chapter 31

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Nothing could be heard for miles, only the sound of crickets and the summer breeze blowing through the broken windows of this hell hole Jeffrey has Opie held captive.

We arrived around 5am, hopefully early enough to catch these bitches off guard. It boiling, my car is sayin' 32 degrees but that might just mean inside. I check my gun is fully loaded and that I have all my knives ect on me.

'Hey, H. You ok?' Dakota stops my hands from scrambling around checking everything is where it's supposed to be and holds them steady. I know I'm shaking a little, even the 2 joints I've smoked and the one currently still hanging from my mouth has had no effect on calming my nerves.

'Hey, look at me.' I force my eyes to focus on her, her calming voice and only her. I've had to calm her down so many times this past month, she's probably caught a trick or two. Her eyes are a little blood shot still, mostly from not sleeping but also the stress. I relish the feeling of her warm hands resting on my face, even in this heat the feelings welcome. I can't stop my eye-lids from slowly closing and the small hum that vibrates against my lips.

'What do you keep telling me hm? Everything is going to be alright. We'll be alright.' The words I once told her at the begging of all of this come back around to comfort me. 'You're mine Harry Edward Styles. And I take care of what's mine.' I'm hers. She's mine. We'll be alright. I replay those words over and over in my head and let myself fall into her.

Dakota doesn't seem to mind my sudden clingy behaviour, even seems to like it. She wraps her arms around me and lays my head on her chest. 'Ya know, you're the only person who's ever seen me like this pretty much my entire like Dakota.' I let out a laugh through my nose and smile as she brings her pointer finger to my showing dimple on my cheek.

'We'll then. I'm honoured H. And don't worry, I won't damage your rep by telling anyone you're actually a big teddy bear.' We both laugh for a moment until we see everyone else start to get out of their cars and make their way over to us. I pull away from Dakotas hold, winking and pulling my signature smirk. I quickly opens my door and run around to open hers. Maybe one day I'll be able to do this on an actual date.

'So, this definitely the place Harry? It looks deserted.' Mitch has a point. There's no sound, no indication that anyone is around for a few miles. 'It has to be, this is the address we were giving and is a perfect spot to hide out seen as there's no one else for miles.'

Cant hear the screams.

Ready to light up a fresh cigarette, I pat all my pockets realising I didn't bring a lighter. 'Hey anyone got a light?' Dakota digs to the bottom of her bag and fishes out a green lighter, chucking it to me. 'Here, I've got used to always having one on me for your sake.' A small smile creeps onto her lips but is gone as quick as it came.

We try to keep as quiet as possible, handing out the guns between the group. The small group I might add. I didn't think much of the numbers until now, what if they've got like 20 guys in there and there's only 6 of us. Me, Dakota, Sarah, Mitch, Pope and Zoe. I know we're all pretty skilled but that won't matter when we're surrounded.

Zoe grabs my attention 'Harry, we need to know what to do if things go tits up. We're not just going to bail, we need a plan. I am not being killed today my friend. Could have done this back at yours by the way-'

'Hey, Moaning Myrtle. Mind shutting up so we can get things moving?' Dakota whisper shouts through her teeth, pulling us all down to a crouching position. I know she's not meeting to be rude to Zoe, I get she just wants to do this right but that wasn't fair on Zoe. So I'm not surprised when Zoe comes back with-

'Excuse me miss bossy, we didn't exactly come up with a plan before dragging our asses all the way out into butt fuck nowhere, and personally I'd like to keep my butt in tacked. So again, Harry, PLEASE tell us what exactly we're gonna do to get Opie.... Without getting shot in the head.' I know it's not the time for laughing but that was kinda funny.

If we hadn't already given away our position we definitely have now. All this talking is gonna get us killed.

'Ok ok, listen up everyone. I spoke briefly about this with Dakota but I need you all to listen and don't try to change my mind. If it comes down to me or anyone of you guys, I will be taking the fall. Now before you all try and change my mind just know I won't. I will not see any of you die today am I clear!'

Things might have gone a bit hot and heavy real quick but I just don't want to see anyone else get hurt. I know Jeffrey wants Dakota but that isn't going to happen.

'Hey Harry, Tacos for tea?' Sarah throws me off guard with a random question, making the whole group laugh. Not because of what she said but for what she said at this very moment. Really she's thinking about tea at a time like this.

I pull everyone into a group hug, Sarah on my left and Dakota on my right, and all the rest in between. I'm going to treasure what we have right now because this is going to get ugly real quick.

Hi! Here's Harry giving you a taco to enjoy while reading about Sarah wanting Tacos for tea. He and I both appreciate you and hope you're well. E 🖤

 E 🖤

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Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now