Chapter 41

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Doktotas POV

On the drive home, we gave Louis a brief run through of what has been happening the past few months. We told him all about my situation with Jeffrey, we told him about how a rescue mission to get Opie back fired and put H in the hospital and we told him how H has only just come out of a coma, and is back home resting. He was very intrigued to hear all about how we all Know each other and listened the whole time I blabbered on. And we also spoke about Opie and how Louis had met him before.

I hope I get to meet Opie. I hope he isn't going to just be a story I hear about from his close friends. I'd like to meet the man and apologise to him face to face for everything I've put him through. I at least owe him that much.

Checking my phone, it read 2:35am. I also hadn't heard a peep from H or and text or calls so everything went ok while we were out. Slowly rolling into the drive way, I'm glad to see all the lights were off and that H was still asleep.

'Please be quite when going inside guys, H should still be asleep and I'm guessing Pope will be too. All of the guest bedrooms are ready to use Louis, so just pick an empty one and make yourselves at home.'

The night ending a lot calmer than I had expected. Everyone went straight to sleep and right now I'm savouring this very moment. Wrapped up in all of the blanket, Harry is indeed still asleep and looks the most peaceful I've seen him in years. His face is smushed into his pillow making his mouth open and puckering his perfect lips. His eyes are slightly open like he's dreaming and his arms are hugging the pillow. I find myself not being able to look away from him. If only people saw how loving and sweet this man is. Not wanting to disturb him, I let him rest and gently climb under the covers.

 Not wanting to disturb him, I let him rest and gently climb under the covers

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Harrys POV

The feeling of falling wakes me up from my dream. Slightly sweaty and discombobulated, I realise my head had slipped off of the mattress. The sound of people talking and pots and pans being moved around is coming from downstairs. Looking at the nightstand beside my bed is a Walkie-talkie. Ok now I am even more confused. Where is Dakota?!

Shoving on some jeans that were laying on the floor, my feet thump on the stairs hoping to find everyone downstairs. Voices. Familiar voices and who- that better not be who I think it is in my house! Not even caring how I look or smell, I barge into the kitchen, wide eyes waiting to find them.

'I fuckin' knew it was you. What the fuck is Louis doing in my house?' I don't even look around the room to see who else is there around to answer me. It's when Dakotas sweet voice calls my name from the other side of the kitchen.

'H, look at me. Please don't be mad. I invited him. We need him, he knows what's been happening with Opie and wants to help, he can help us.' I need to calm the fuck down. He's here to help? Ok. Dakota puts down the spatula in her hand and makes her way over to me. My body instantly relaxes when she's near.

'Hey sleepy head. Are you going to calm down and let us explain?' Her arms wrap around my neck and I can't be mad around her, she's like my chill pill. Naturally doing the same, I wrap my arms around her waist. 'Come here.' She pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek. For a moment it felt like we were the only ones in the room. How does she do that to me?

'Ok lovers, easy there, we're eating breakfast here.' Sarah playfully jokes while pouring herself a mug of tea. I clear my throat and pull out a chair opposite Louis. Not sure what to say next, Louis takes the lead.

'Harry. I know things have always been a bit heated between us and things didn't really go very well last time we saw each other. But I don't know what else I supposed to say.... Or do. No matter how nice or how distant I am with you, you always seem to hate me the same. Did I do something to you? Upset you when we first met? I'm here to help get Opie back that's all, but if we could just deal with whatever is going on between us that would be good to...... I'll shut up now because I can tell you just want me to stop... ok sorry.'

I'm not sure what is even happening. Am I still dreaming? He has a point. He's never actually done anything wrong to me, or anyone I know. He seems like a good guy. I've been a dick to him and I know I have. I can't just hate him for nothing. So I guess I owe him an apology.

I clear my throat, unable to make proper eye contact with him. All while Sarah, Mitch, Dakota and Pope all awkwardly make themselves busy around the kitchen.
'You're right, Louis. You never did anything wrong. I'm a bit of a dick if you haven't already figured it out. I'm very stand off-ish and i don't mean to be. It's just when you've dealt with people I have in the past, you get used to being blank faces and emotionless unless it's being horrible. So I'm- I'm sorry, or whatever. Didn't mean to be such a dick for so long.' Wow that was the most I've probably ever apologised in my life.

I finally pull my eyes away from the kitchen table just to see the look in his face. A face that I hated for so long for no real reason. He got a small smirk on his face and is messing with his rings just like what Dakota and I do.

'Thanks mate. That means a lot.' I can tell he wanted to say more on the topic but he was holding back for my sake. Not wanting to make things anymore awkward, I stand up and make myself a coffee.

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