Chapter 35

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Harrys POV

'I'd never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love, seemed like a good way to go.'

Nobody knows what it's like being in coma unless you've truly experiences it. You're technically asleep, no real knowledge of the outside world and you feel like you're just dreaming. For me, I was just asleep. It was like when you're half waking up in the morning, you're asleep but aware of what's around you.
I didn't go anywhere, or see Jesus or that bull shit, I was in this bed. And I know I had people that love me around me but confused where I was.

It was a dark gloomy night when I managed to peel my dry eyes open slightly, relieved the curtains were drawn and the sun hadn't woken up yet. I don't remember getting home? I don't remember getting in bed for that matter? Wasn't it sunny when we left this morning?

Unsure of my surrounding, and confused on what's going on. I need to know if Dakotas ok. With a foggy brain and no real idea of why I'm here, I suddenly get a sharp pain in the side of my neck.
My voice getting caught in the back of my throat, I try to scream in pain but it just comes out strained and pathetic.
'Ouch! Aghh hum!' Why does it feel like I've ate a bucket of sand and not drank for a year?

'H! Hey H I'm right here, can can you see me?' Oh thank god, Dakota. She's ok. Even if I am in some kind of danger right now, knowing Dakota is with me and safe is what I care about.
Finally coming out of the groggy sleep I'm able to turn my head to the left to see the one people to make everything better.

'Hey baby, what wha- happened?' I can see her now, her once vibrant flaming locks of auburn hair now tide up into a messy bun on the top of her head, her once bright golden eyes are now a shade darker than normal and hiding pain behind them. Pale and drained, she looks like she hasn't slept in weeks. But non of that I cared about. She was with me. Safe.

'H we're ok, don't worry. Don't try to talk. You're in the hospital everything's going to be ok. Let me go and get your doctor.' Hospital? Before I had chance to tell her to wait she had already ran off to find someone. I'm alone now, giving me a moment to really look around and understand what's happening.

Plain white walls, large widows, books all over the place and me in a hospital gown and tubes sticking out of me.
Is this really happening or am I still dreaming?

After a short moment to myself, Dakota returns with a nervous smile on her face and doctor in tow. Dakota looked so happy, it almost made me forget about the pain.

'Well hello there Harry, I've heard a lot about you. My names Mary, I'm your main Doctor. Now I'm not going to bombard you with 100 questions right away. I'm just going to check your equipment and ask you some simple questions ok?' Mary seems nice enough and Dakota seems like she trusts her so I'm going to to.
Giving her a nod she begins to check the machines I'm hooked up to. Pressing buttons I have no idea what they do and writing things down in her chart clip board. All while Dakota has my hand in hers stroking back and forth which seems to be soothing her anxious mind as much as mine.

'Ok I've just got to check your neck wound. Is that ok?' Ah I'm guessing thats what that shooting pain is. 

'Erm yes yeah 'course.' Not really got an option have I.
She carefully begins pulling back a large bandage wrapped all the way around my neck. Easy does it she peals away the bandage. Finally I understand why I'm in so much pain. Bloody and gory, a large chunk of my skin is missing on my neck.
She cleans it up and redressed it with fresh bandages.

'Perfect. That's just what we want to see, your levels are all in order and it seems like your wounds are healing nicely. We're going to have to keep an eye on you for a day or two Harry, but besides plenty of rest and fluids, it looks like you're going to be out of here before Halloween!' The woman's soft caring voice played over and over in my mind. Halloween! It was summer yesterday? Have I really been in here for that long?

Not letting it take up my head with worry, I push it out and try and focus on right now. The doctor starts to ask my some basic questions like she said.
'Ok can you tell me your full name? Feeling a little silly with how basic and easy these questions are I should be out of here today.
'Yes. My name is Harold Edward Styles.
She doesn't say anything else as she writes silently on her clip board.
'Perfect, and how old are you Harry?' Unless I've been in a coma longer than a year I should still be 25..... right?' Oh god how long has it been?

'Yes Harry you are still 25 don't worry. But it is coming up your birthday so that's something to look forward to, and Christmas of course.
Ok how many fingers am I holding up?'
She holds up 6 fingers, I tell her and she does this a few more times.
'Harry I think you are absolutely fine. Your brain seems to be working as good as ever.'

'Not good at all then Doctor?' I'd wondered where they we! Mitch already taking the piss out of me before I'd even got out of the bed. Mitch, Sarah, Pope and Zoe all appeared from around the curtain. All safe. They had baskets of shit like sweets and fruit and cards bundled up under their arms. My heart melted at the sight of them all here for me, I would never show it because you know, I'm hard but this meant so much to see everyone here.
They all pile in and the doctor excuses herself giving us the well deserved catch up we all needed.

'Hey, you're not starting the party without me are ya!' Behind the crowd that has accumulated in the small box room a voice shouts out.  Everyone quickly turns around to see who the voice belonged to, and I couldn't be more happy to see my little work buddy, Timmy.

Holding a 6 pack of beer and a make shift balloon that he's obviously made himself saying 'glad you didn't die' on it, the only thing I could do was laugh. My cheeks have never laughed so much in the smack of one day and I couldn't care less.

'Timmy! Good to see you lad! Thanks for coming. And thanks for that laugh I really needed it.' He makes his way into the room plopping down his things and awkwardly standing next to the bed. Aware of the tension, Dakota kindly tells everyone to give me and him a minute alone.

'What's up mate? Everything ok?' I can tell something is eating away at him inside, I hate seeing friends upset. Unexpectedly he falls onto of me and wraps his arms around me.

'Hey! What's all this mate? I'm ok, see I'm fine!' Is he crying for me? Why do I even deserve his tears? He speaks his first word after the longest few minutes.

His face smushed into my pillow he voice is low for only us to hear. 'I thought you were going to die Harry. I thought I'd never see you again. I'm sorry I know I must look like a right idiot.' This whole situation has obviously effected my friends more that I thought it ever would. The poor kid thought I was dead!

'Hey mate I'm good, see I'm gonna be fine! Doctors say I'm out of here before Christmas and you know what that means?' He pulls away just enough to see my face, worry in his eyes. Everyone is worried about me it's hard to see.
'It means Christmas dinner at my place, the whole gang and your mum is invited to.' A smile pulls away the deep frown on his forehead. Lifting off of me, he tries to hide his excitement but I can see how much that means to him. He'd made it quite clear that him and him mum didn't have that much money, so I wanted to do something nice for everyone. 

'Shit thanks Harry, that-that would be great.' Timmy rubs his hands over his face before he let himself start crying.

Not long after the rest of the gang pile back in and it's hard to stop my face from smiling. Everyone was here but Opie. Looking around everyone was finally smiling and having fun. My heart sunk when all I wanted was to wrap them all up in bubble wrap and lock them away from the evil that we still have to face at some point. Opie would love this moment the most. The big softy would force us all to take a picture to remember the moment in some sick silly way. I miss my friend.

Not much else happened after everyone arrived. The gang were clearly trying to keep something important from me. I've got to admit I am nervous about what it could be even if they did keep denying that something was up. Today was not for worrying tho. I told myself today was for celebrating being alive and alright. We have to be alright.

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