Chapter 16

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'Harry why are you taking me to a field? Is where my story ends! Are you going to kill me styles!' As we pull into one of my fav spots just outside of Huddersfield, I put the car in park and just take in my view. Her eyes wide with curiosity and a sweet smile on her face, Dakota glistens in the sunlight.

'It's a surprise, thought we could get away from the stress of Jeffrey and his minions for a day.' This is the first time I've ever made so much effort for a girl and it's only a blanket and a nice view. I thought about making a picnic but then I realised I hardly knew anything about Dakota. What she eats, what her favourite drink is. I knew hardly anything other than what I knew years ago.

I climb out of my car and walk around to her side and open her door. She rolls her eyes at the jester, I know it's cheesy but that's how she makes me want to act around her.
'My lady' I offer my hand for her to take but she slaps it away laughing. I knew she wouldn't take it but I knew it would make her laugh.

'You planned all this? By yourself? No help from Sarah at all?' The little faith in me makes me laugh because before these last few weeks I would have never even been able come up with something like this. But last night it came to me that I wanted to treat her before we get into the heavy stuff with Jeffrey, who knew when he'd come crashing back into my life demanding I hand over Dakota.

'I wanted to treat my favourite person to one good day, is that so hard to believe.'

'Favourite person, wow I am scaling the ranks fast aren't I.' She teases me on my choice of words but it's true. I think she's number 1 in my inner circle now. I can't think of anything but her. Keeping her safe, wanting to hear her laugh all the happy things she does. I want them all.

We've been sat in the sun shine for over an hour now, not a moment has gone by where we weren't asking each other questions. I found out her favourite food is kiwis, I said cherries funnily enough, she's allergic to nuts. Her favourite drink is either jack daniels Tennessee honey or Tea, also a great choice.

We talked about what happened once we lost contact with each other, she said she her dad didn't like the idea of his daughter going out and doing dangerous things such as hanging out at bars. She hates how sheltered they are, that they've only ever known a life of money, fancy cars and polo on the weekends.

She tried to get them to see she wasn't like them, and needed them to accept her how she is. They kicked her out of the house and she's been couch surfing ever since. It was only until she ended up in all this mess with Jeffrey that she stayed with people she really trusts in case anyone ratted her out and they came looking for her.

'That looks new, had that done recently?'
Her fingers ghosted over my healing tattoo.
'Yeah, Erm I got it a few weeks ago. Do you have any tattoos?' I know I've seen he naked by I can't recall any. Unless they're really tiny I didn't spot any.

'No- oh tell a lie I do, I have one teeny tiny one behind my ear, here. A little butterfly. It was dark, you wouldn't have been able to see it.'
She pulls her hair to the side to show a small delicate butterfly.

'That's cute

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'That's cute. What does it represent or is it just a cute tattoo?' I rub my thumb over the ink looking at the fine detail.

'Eh you know. Symbol meaning and all that.' She pushes her hair back to where it was, letting out yet another sigh. She begins to fiddle with the rings on her fingers, as if she needed them to district herself from what the true meaning is. 

I don't want to push her, but this was what today was all about, getting to know each other.  So I ask again.
'Baby, come on you can tell me the truth. I'm not gonna tell anyone.'

The subtle tint to her cheeks makes my heart swell. I can see that the nick names are a soft spot for her so I'll keep that in mind.

'Eh fine ok, it's not that big of a deal it's just, no one else knows my life and what I do for a living, so when people ask me what's the meaning behind it, I just say 'oh I like butterflies' and they drop it. But you're you..... you know me.
I feel like it represents freedom. A butterfly can get up and go whenever they want. They can hide their beauty with closed wings or they can show off their colours and bask in the sunshine. They're free to live there lives wherever they want and how they want.... I guess I'm jealous of a butterfly.'

I don't say anything in reply. She knows I understand what she means and that whatever I say won't change the fact that's how she sees her life. Maybe I can change the meaning behind it in time.
All I can say is 'we belong together you and me. I can just tell.'

Dakota turns her head to face me. Not making  a sound but speaking a thousand words with her eyes. She takes a strand of my hair from in-front of my eyes gently pushing it to the side. 'Dakota ... don't get mad because I don't know if you wanted me to hear it or if it was just spur of the moment, but last night, did you mean'- before I have a change to finish, my thought is cut short. Her lips attach to mine like they're made just for me.
After a few seconds of just holding the kiss she stops and places three more quickly after. Answering my question. I think she didn't want to actually say it out loud, giving the words to much meaning. She probably feels it's to soon to even think what she really wanted to say so I simply smile and accept that that is my answer.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now