Chapter 38

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'Oh nice work D! High five!' Sarah brought Mitch as if this is some kind of friends night out. Mitch has his hands in the air waiting for me to return to the gesture. I can't help laughing at how unfazed he is right now. I thought these two were the friends that didn't get involved with Harrys dodgy shit.

Miraculously, H is still conked out upstairs despite my numerous times telling them to keep it down and be quite, that word is not in Mitches vocabulary.
'Right sweetness, howww did this happen then?'
Standing over Callums body I had to drag into the downstairs toilet, my two friends only look concerned, not mad at all like I was expecting. When I made the call all I could think was 'god they're gonna think I'm a psychopath. A loony bat shit crazy bitch who's truly gone off the rails.' But in reality, while I was so freaked out I forgot that they probably hear about H having to do this kind of stuff all the time, and that calmed me down a little. 

Twiddling my thumbs, I look up to see Mitch giving a warm smile, a smile I couldn't be scared of if I tried, so I went with my gut and told them how it happened.
'Ok so H had taken his strong painkillers and they obviously knocked him out cold, no pun intended, and he went up to bed while I was making tea. The doorbell rang so I went to see who was there, I know I shouldn't have done it alone, it was stupid and careless I know but I thought it was one of you guys. There was no one around but a box on the step, so you know there must have been someone around to have dropped it off. I went down the path to find them and I spot this guy- I point to the guy laying on the floor, 'and my protective instincts kicked in and well ... I kinda knocked him out. But it's been a lot longer than it normally would be for someone to be unconscious so I'm freaking out- what if he's dead, oh god I'm a murderer! Oh god and I've made you two my accomplices! Oh shit shit shit I'm sorry!' 

Like the angel she is, Sarah grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me. I'm gonna have a panic attack, I can't handle this! My line of work wasn't about killing! It was about robbing places and being crafty! How has my life come to this.

'DAKOTA! Breath ok! We're going to handle this together, you're not alone in this. We don't have to tell him now but we will eventually have to tell Harry, no matter what the outcome is ok?' Sarah's right. Maybe right now isn't the right time to get H to come and save the day. He's been doing that for me since day one, now is the time for us to handle this while he takes it easy.

'You're right. Thankyou Sarah, god I don't know what I'd have done without you guys. The big question now is, where the hell are we going to put him?'

About an hour later, after rummaging through every cupboard and draw in the house to find duct tape and rope, we successfully managed to tie up Callum and move him into Sarahs car. Slightly coming to, we had to work fast.

Sarah had a genius idea to use a set of the Walkie-talkies we had to keep an ear on H. Leaving one in his bedroom and one for us, taping the button down on his one so we could hear if he woke up. I left him a note, also a voice memo as well letting him know we're safe and that we shouldn't be to long.

'Are you sure Nick is ok us bringing this guy here? I mean isn't this meant to be a sterile place?' Sarah quickly unlocks the tattoo studio that H had told me about once or twice before. He did say he was friends with the owner but I'm not sure this is in the friends roll description.

Huffing and puffing, Sarah and Mitch drag Callum into the building. Wow we couldn't look more guilty and more like criminals if we tried.

'Oh yeah! He's cool and you wanna know the main reason we brought him here? It's because Nick had this whole building designed with sound proof in every square inch, so when pussies come and get a tattoo, the coffee shop and the hairdressers next door don't have to listen to screaming all day. Making this the ultimate best torture chamber!' Is it me or is Sarah sounding a little to enthusiastic about all this?

Stepping inside it's like any other studio. Funky walls with photos, stencils, photos of previous tattoos and that horrible sterile smell. Reminds me of that god awful hospital we spent so long in.
'Ok, doors locked, get the lights on and we can tie him up over there.' Jeez if I'd have known better, I'd say Sarah was the killer out of all of us, she seems like she knows what she's doing.

Doing as she says, I find the lights and my nosey self just had to have a quick look at the photos pinned up on the 'wall of champions'. Upon inspection, I recognise a face. Pretty much taking up half the board, Harry is posted all over it with all different hair styles. Basically his whole hair journey from short to long. From small to large tattoos, it looks like he comes here every time.

'That aught to do it! He isn't going anywhere any time soon. Oh, and it looks like our sleeping beauty is waking up!' Mitch stomps over in his big boots, towering over Callum.

'Hello sunshine. Let's have some fun.'
Hey, quite a short chapter but at least this is a triple update. I reallyyyy love the next chapter 🖤 we're seeing a whole new side of Mitch. E

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