Chapter 22

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'Ohhh my goddd Harry! Marshmallows!'
It's been about 2 hours since we lit our third joint and I think the munchies are kicking in for Dakota. It's now pitch black outside, only the fairy lights are on and we haven't moved from our spot. Well apart from Mitch who kindly grabbed a few blankets for us all.
I tried to ring Opie to say come round but he didn't answer. I need to keep him in the loop of everything going on, seen as I haven't spoke to him in a bit.

Sarah thought it would be hilarious to bring out the guitar for us to have a sing along, so I guess that's what we're doing now?

Come on Harry, sing us a song!' Eh I hate when this happens, you sing one song at a party 5 years ago and suddenly everyone thinks you're a musician.

Dakota is looking up at me with those bloody big eyes batting her lashes with her bottom lip pouting like a little kid.
'Oh go on then! ONE song that's all you're getting.'
I just can't say no to her can I.

I clear my throat and try to come with a song, the first thing that comes to me is
'If there's glass in the park, darling, I can't help but keep making appointments to sweep beneath the climbing frame.....
If the sun's in your eyes, I'll tighten your blindfold, baby don't worry, your foot won't get cut, strut carelessly.' I look up to see everyone quietly gawking at me like they've never heard me sing before. I sing.... Sometimes. Maybe not so much anymore.
Taking that as a good sign tho so I carry on.

'And when you say that you need me tonight
I can't keep my feelings in disguise. The white parts of my eyeballs illuminate....

I go to sing the next line, being interrupted by a voice of angel.

'And I'll wait for you, as if I'm waiting for a storm to stop.'

Not only is she beautiful she's also multi talented. She brushes her hair over her shoulders, sitting up straight. It's like those lyrics were for only us.

'Make sure you're not followed and meet me by the death balloon.
Paraselene woman, I'm your man in the moon.'

I finish the song short. A lump in the bottom of my throat won't budge, and I don't know why.

'Wow harryyyyyy that. Was. Beautiful.' Sarah's voice comes out slower than usual, she's clearly stoned. Mitch just laughs it off and says 'that was beautiful mate, completely forgot you could sing.'

'Why are my eyes leaking? What is wrong with me!' Dakota takes her sleeve and wipes under her eyes and then that's when I notice Dakota is crying.

'Hey baby, I'm sorry I didn't want to make you cry! I thought you'd like it!' I feel so guilty, I thought it would be a nice surprise to sing for her.

'No H, that was so beautiful! I'm crying because I loved it so much. You're so talented, you have no idea do you!' She grabs the guitar from my hands and places next to her, then pulling me into a tight hug. Just as she's about to let go she whispers in my eye.
'So beautiful Harry'. Pulling her head back she kisses me three times. Three times. Three times.

All I can do is smile. That's all she ever makes me want to do. Is smile and save her from all the bad in the world. I look around where I'm sat and see three of my closest, best friends who mean the world to me, until.....

'Hey has anyone heard from Ope the past few days? I've tried his phone but he doesn't seem to be answering.' A wave of guilt washes over me when I think back to earlier finding the note from Jeffrey. Shit. Jeffrey.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora