Chapter 2

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An unfamiliar voice fills the studio 'oi oi!' It's a strong accent I'm not gonna lie, I think it's Doncaster way? Next is quick footsteps bounding their way up the studio and I'm now assuming is this that Louis guy. Please don't be a prick, I don't know if I can be assed with any today.'
'Hello mate! Gonna make my arm look pretty today or what?'
He seems like a right prat but I'm not gonna read a book by it's cover. He looks at me first and doesn't say anything just smirks and turns towards Nick. This is my chance to get a proper look at him. He's also wearing boots similar to mine, his laces wrapped around his ankle and not actually bunny eared at the front. He's got tight black jeans on that are hanging on his hips for dear life with a belt to only just keep them up and a plain white tea shirt. In his right hand is his leather jacket, good choice not wearing it as it's mid June so it's bloody hot no matter where you go now. Before I come across like a freak just starring at him I salute him with my free hand and say 'hiya mate I'm Harry, haven't seen you around before are you local?'
Louis gives me a lob sided grin, not really sure why, looking over to Nick and shakes his head. What the fuck is this guys deal, I was only being polite.
'Right then fuck yaself' I say while trying to wipe the pissed off look on my face, why should he get the satisfaction of being top dog right now? He doesn't even know me- prick.

Nick busts out laughing for gods knows why, probably lovin' this stupid interaction we're having.
'Oi! Keep you bloody eyes on my arm Dickhead, don't want this ship being lob sided cus you couldn't shut up laughin!'
He rolls his eyes with a grin slapped on his dumb face. Remind me again why he's my best mate?

'So am I here just to look pretty or are you gonna get round to me at some point?' Louis says now leaning on the sink in the corner of the room. God is it obvious why I only have a hand full of mates, does he not hear himself when he talks! My jaw starts to hurt from grinding my teeth and chewing the inside of my cheeks to hold back from kickin this guys teeth in. Going back to that whole patients thing, I might have to change it to 'I'm alright with my patients except around this prick'.

'Ok mate, you're all done. Do you wanna go look at it properly in the mirror?' Nick points towards the full length mirror propped up on the wall.
'Yeah thanks' I jump up off the seat passing Louis.
'Oh no way! You got a ship. Im getting an anchor now, how weird is that!'
As I already knew because Nick told me I give a sarcastic smile like it was so exciting.
He laughs it off, at least he's not sensitive about sarcasm.

After getting cleaned and wrapped up, I shove a spare £20 note i had tucked in my back pocket in his tip jar just cus', might as well seen as this tattoo was free. He's got bills and shit to pay too. I say my good byes to the rest of the guys and avoid talking to Louis, hopefully being the last time I see him and make my way out the studio.

The summers air hits my face straight away as I head towards my house. I check my phone for the time and if I'm needed by anyone, and surprisingly no ones messaged or rang which is rare in my line of work. It's now 4:45pm and I'm thinking of what to do for tea. I have just recently bought a brand new bbq smoker for the garden so probably invite the guys round and have a few drinks. Living in the uk especially Huddersfield, the weather can be unpredictable. One minute the suns shinin' next it's pissing it down. I check the weather forecast and luckily it's gonna be dry and sunny for the next two days, best keep the brolly close by just in case.

Mitch, Opie-
Hiya lads, bbq at ours later, make sure to bring plenty of beer, you're not robbing any of mine again opie. About 6?

Opie to the group-
Oi ya git, you drank all mine before the night had started last time, don't know what you're on about! Sounds good tho, see you at 6.

Mitch to the group-
Sarah wants to bring a mate round if that's cool? Only met him the once bit of a prat but he's alright.

Harry to the group-
I've already had one prat to deal with today, he better not piss me off anymore than I already am. I wanna enjoy my burger in peace thanks.

Mitch to the group-
Ha, who doesn't piss you off mate😄 alright well I'm sure you'll be fine. See you later when I'm back.

As I open the my front door I say hi to my dog Clifford who's sat relaxing on the sofa in his usual spot

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As I open the my front door I say hi to my dog Clifford who's sat relaxing on the sofa in his usual spot.
'Hiya bud, had a good day? Bark at any cats in the garden?'
I talk to him like he can talk back just for the sake of it. Ya never know, he could answer me one day. He just stares at me tho with a big smile and wags his tale. That's the best I'm gonna get to be fair.

Deciding a shower is needed after sitting in heavy clothes all day, I plod up the stairs to get undressed. Slipping out of my jeans I throw my pocket knife and knuckle dusters on my bed side table and put my clothes in the wash basket ready to clean. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror of the bathroom, not checking myself but at least giving a approving look at my new tat and my abs. Definitely need to get in the gym soon. My whole body is pretty much covered in tattoos at this point and also a lot of scars. I have to keep reminding my mum they're not that big a deal, just some small scratches compared to what I hand out to people.

I shake the thought out of my head and step into the shower. Now what kind of guy would I be if I didn't enjoy some me time while showering. As you probably can tell I'm not the kind of guy to have a mrs, maybe some girls round when I'm in the mood but nothing more, so I guess good ol' lefty will have to do for today. My mind starts to wonder to any broad I can think of, a mash up of people I know and find mildly attractive, trying not to focus in on one face to put me off. Once I'm there I slowly start to pump my hand up and down my length leaning my head back on the cold tiles. I can feel the hot prickly heat creeping up my chest to my neck the faster I get. Hot thick pants leave my mouth that's hanging open in sheer pleasure. My hand working as fast as it can go now I can feel myself starting to get close. Before I know it, I let out an animal like moan that echoes through my bathroom. I'm not premature I just know what I like and how to get the job done.

I clean up the mess and shower the rest of my body, avoiding scrubbing my new tattoo. Taking a towel from the rack, I walk back into my bedroom and find some fresh cloths. I open my wardrobe to find anything that isn't crumpled at the bottom in a big heap, grabbing a Metallica T-shirt and another pair of ripped black jeans, socks and some underwear.

Hells Angels- HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now