ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10 - 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔦𝔱.

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My eyes opened to the bright sun, and I squinted to see no dead bodies. If anyone was by the fireworks, they weren't dead thankfully. I started to get up when a shooting pain hit the whole left side of my body. I looked at my shoulder which was doused in blood, I could barely see what the extent of my injury was. My arm was unable to move, so I used all of my power I my right arm to get up.

I looked up at the Podium to see Schlatt, Quackity and Fundy up there- Schlatt experiencing his first death. On the ground behind me, I saw Niki and a few others who were watching Schlatt in disgust. Niki even having the balls to argue back. I slowly made my way over to her- my eyes tearing up from the pain. My legs trembling from blood loss.

"How could you do that? After everything he has done for you?" Niki shouted up at Schlatt. I closed my eyes as I sat in the seat next to her, no one really noticed me. The last I had remembered was Techno shooting rockets at everyone after he killed Tubbo. I was in shock when I was hurt, but now that the shock had gone, the pain had taken its place.

"You have just been a thorn in my side since I assumed this office." Schlatt argued back.


I tried reaching out to Niki's hand but I couldn't reach far enough without my body trying to give up on me. I tried though, after all she needed comfort when she's the only female that was stuck in Manburg. At least I got saved. I let her down.

"Niki, sit down please." Quackity said, I looked up at him, the sun slightly obscuring my vision but he was sitting down with his head in his hands.

"No you know what, Fuck this, fuck her... Im done with her, you can leave if you want." Schlatt announced. I looked at Niki who looked confused at the fact Schlatt was going to let her go so easily.

"Wilbur?" Schlatt questioned. I looked behind Niki and Wilbur was walking down towards her, he looked alright. He wasn't hit by any fireworks which was good sign, but then I realised. Wilbur also didn't press the button to blow up Manburg, perhaps he had changed his mind!

"You know Wilbur I actually took you as, you know, you were a shitty leader but, I didn't think you would aid and abet Tubbo. Im not going to lie, im pretty upset. Tubbo was a good friend of mine-" I had stopped listening.

The blur that was obscuring my vision was getting harsher and I felt like I wasn't controlling my body anymore. I was falling and the ground was getting closer, then I stopped. I felt two strong hands on my arms, and I would have pried my left arm away if I could feel it. They sat me up, and then kneeled down in front of me.

ᴘɪɴᴋ ʜᴀɪʀ.


"Just hold on, okay?"

I tried to, I really did. Techno hoisted me over his shoulder and my arm was danglinging to the ground, while the blood dripped onto the floor. He held me with one arm and in the other, he had his crossbow and was firing as he ran after Niki and Wilbur. The journey was bumpy, and I didn't have enough power to stop my head from hitting Techno's back every time he moved. My eyes opened and closed, but I could tell we were running for Pogtopia.

As soon as we got to Pogtopia, Techno placed me down on his bed next to the farm and as everyone came rushing to him and shouting at him for the death of Tubbo- he guided everyone outside and told Niki to help fix me up. I wanted to get up and see if Tubbo was alright- it was his second death. I wanted to find an excuse to defend Techno but I couldn't. Not really.

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