ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 97 - 2 𝔦𝔫 1

161 7 12

TW – Death, Blood, Ultimate Angst, Loss

ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱɴᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀʏ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʙᴏᴅʏ, ɴᴏ, ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴅ.

Even the sight of the cabin didn't make me feel safe. I was breathing erratically, not having any control over the amount of blood that was staining the dress or the blue cardy. I was experience a state of shock I think. My body was aware what was happening but it wasn't moving or doing any thing about it and it scared me. I knew I was sweating, I could feel the hot moisture on my head but my hands didn't move to wipe it away. My whole body was trying to curl in on itself but because I was still sitting on Zyon, my body didn't move.


It was so loud. All of it was so loud. The shouting by George was wrapping around my brain, and I shook. The snow crunching under several pairs of feet, and under Zyon's hooves. Several dogs barked at the commotion, and Zyon and Carl neighed loudly. I was suddenly picked up from Zyon's back and my body instinctively curled into a tight ball. The noise faded away as the white snow changed into a brown wood, and an orange fire.

I was placed gently down on a hard surface. I was cold, despite the fire and the layers I had on. I looked to the right to see all three of them panicking, not knowing what the problem was or what to do to help. I gathered some strength and my shaking hands reached out for the white ruffled shirt Techno adorned on his perfectly sculpted body. He quickly turned as his cold hand hit my own, and bent down to look at me.

"What's wrong baby? Your scaring me." He muttered as he scrambled to hold my shaking hand.

"I don't know. I think it's the baby." I muttered as I looked back down at the seeping blood. He nodded and looked back at the wide open door. I couldn't see why the door was open until a frantic Phil ran through the door with a weird looking book.

"Blood, blood what does it mean..."He uttered as he quickly turned pages in this book. I almost wanted to smile if another shooting pain didn't ring through my body. My hand automatically tightened on Techno's and he gasped in pain.

"OW! WHAT DOES IT MEAN PHIL!" He shouted loudly, as he took squeezed my hand back to release some of the pain. I wanted to apologise but my body curled in on itself further and i couldn't talk afraid that the pain would take over once again.

"Okay, blood means...Techno...It means we need to get the baby out before..."

"What?" Techno muttered, and I knew the dread I felt was for a good reason. I knew the blood wasn't just a random coincidence. I wasn't shocked but I was devastated that our baby could potentially be a serious risk.

"Come on, George you wont want to be here for this. Go home. Techno, get her dress off, quickly!" Phil muttered as he dropped the book on the floor. George held the present tightly and I nodded my head – he needed to carry on the treasure hunt, the baby would be here a lot quicker than expected so it was going to need that present quicker. I heard my dress rip, but I didn't look down scared of the sight below.

"Jesus Christ baby." Techno voiced broke, and I wasn't sure if he was going to cry or he was just scared but it didn't make me feel good. I had tears in the works, waiting for them to fall down my cheeks. Techno obscured my vision as he bent down in front of my face and was stroking my hair back gently.

"Is it bad?" I asked quietly, and his eyes filled with tears but he shook his head in some upmost confidence. He was trying so hard to be strong and I couldn't falter him for that so I smiled gently and peppered his nose with a loving kiss.

I was starting to get light headed when Phil walked back in from wherever he disappeared off too. He was holding a knife in his hand, a short sword. It was beautifully crafted, and I had never seen it before. His eyes widened as he saw the blood, and he drew in a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. I had never seen Phil so distressed in my life, and it scared me.

"Thora, this is going to hurt. Im sorry."

I just nodded. It needed to be done, it needed to otherwise I would lose everything.

Techno looked away with me as I felt the cold tip of the knife on the bottom of my stomach. This was going to be very messy. I closed my eyes, the darkness consuming my soul. A dark abyss beyond my own every eyes-

I screamed at the intrusion of the cold metal in my lower stomach. Then the shock kicked in and I stopped screaming because all it felt like was cold punches being thrown to my body, and all I could do was squeeze Techno's hand and breath heavily. I was scared of losing my breath so I just breathed and breathed, I was scared that if I stopped, I would stop for good. Surely, I would lose to much blood, but I couldn't think of that right now.

"Techno, help me. I see the baby." I heard Phil mutter but it was so far away, and I started hyperventilating. Noticing everyone sounded so far away and I was starting to lose energy, I was fading.

No, I couldn't. Not yet. I needed to make it, for my child.

I opened my eyes, and the light shone into them. The room was a lot more orange than I remembered, but I didn't care about that. I looked down, and tears rose in my eyes. Techno had blood running down his arms, with the bloodied baby in his hands and Phil rushed about. Techno was shouting but I hardly noticed as I looked at the bundle of joy.

I frowned, why isnt he moving? Why isnt my son moving?

"PHIL PLEASE. WHATS GOING ON?" Techno's muffled voice sounded and I looked away from my unmoving son. Techno was shaking as he held our son, tears streaming as the blood followed down his arms. I watched tiredly as he removed his cape and tangled our quiet son into it comfortably. I tried reaching out, but my body was shutting down.

I could feel it coming. Death, I mean. This time I was almost prepared for it. I found it kind of ironic I was to die the same way but with total different meanings. I was stabbed by Tubbo and died from it, and now this time it was by Phil to save another life. A more precious life, and I think that's why this time it made it easier.

They would save him. They had too. I just wanted to hold him one time.

Phil took him, our son. Techno was crying loudly, but I struggled to hear him. He was on his knees, his bloody hands curled tightly into fists to stop himself from lashing out. His face was screwed up in the most pain, the pain of losing a child.

"Techno." An unexpected squeak escaped my dying voice, and his head shot up to meet my eyes. His crawled over, and his bloody hand stroked through my sweaty hair. I didn't mind, obviously.

"Oh, baby. It's okay." He said quietly, his tears were still rolling.

"Do you hate me?" I said, regret and dread the only feelings I could feel in this very moment. He scoffed with a small smiled.

"No, I could never hate you." He said and leaned his head against mine. He sat in silence and I could feel all life draining from me but I tried to hold on a little longer, I think he felt it as another sob racked through his body, "It's okay baby, you can go to sleep. I'll see you when you wake up."

"Kairos." I whispered, "That's his name."

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