Chapter 11

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During breakfast this one bacon eggs and toast, Gracen seemed nervous opening his mouth several times before shutting it again.
"We need to take you guys for your yearly doctor's appointments and we were thinking that possibly we should set up a meeting with some psychiatrists."
Gracen was surprised when they all flinched at the mention of the doctor. But didn't have any reaction to the psychiatrists. But he smiled when he saw Delia grabbing her dry erase board instead of signing.
We are not going to the doctor appointment. And what is a psychiatrist? 
"You are going to the doctors it wasn't an option baby sister. And a psychiatrist is like a doctor but for your mind." Gracen answered his tone brooking no argument. Delia's face showed resignation and bitterness as she wrote on her board again.
But you guys said you wouldn't hurt us.

"We aren't going to hurt any of you Delia." Daniel said, before Daniel could continue talking the sound of vomiting sounded causing all heads to turn towards Drew. They also noticed tears streaming down Arthur's face. Daniel, Gracen and Hunter tried to calm them down and ask what was wrong, but they didn't get a response. They turned to Delia who was furiously writing on her board before turning it towards them.
They're remembering the last doctor's appointment we went too with our parents. 
"Delia what happened at the doctor's appointment, and what can we do to help the twins feel more comfortable." Hunter asked softly.
I'll move the twins to the living room surround them with blankets and pillows and touch them as little as possible. It isn't my place to tell you what happened when they trust you enough they will tell you. The doctor just did what all doctors do why are you so surprised? And please cook less meat in the future.
After stood up and gently lead the boys towards the living room gently placed them together in the middle of the couch while they curled into each other as she grabbed the blankets and pillows and constructed a nest like structure.

"Delia tell us now." Daniel's voice held thinly veiled fury, at what Delia didn't know, but it was enough for her to crouch in front of the twins and stare at him fearfully. Gracen began to realize that in this state nothing good was going to happen. How was he supposed to calm down his siblings. Why did these type of emotional episodes keep happening. Gracen loved them already but he was exhausted. Suddenly having to take care of three more people, who were kids, was proving harder than he anticipated. They had only been there for around two days and they had already discovered so many things they were going to have to work through. Sighing he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to jog some sort of plan to the forefront of his mind. It didn't work and Daniel wasn't calming down if anything he was getting more agitated. Hunter was the only one silently observing he crouched down in front of Delia but he didn't move closer or say anything he just sat there offering his support in the best way he knew how. Daniel left towards his study soon after muttering something about all the work he still had to finish. Gracen unsure of what to do or what this situation even was stood still for awhile before seating on a nearby chair.

Delia didn't move from her crouch she just continued to stare at Hunter her gaze curious and wary. Seeming to come to some sort of conclusion she turned her back towards him as she examined the twins before signing to them her whole body still tense.
'I'm sorry. I failed you guys again.'
With red eyes and hiccups Artie began to sign
'It's ok Del. I'm sorry I always drag you guys down. Did you tell them?' Both of the twins expressions changed to anxiety as they glanced behind her towards Gracen, and Hunter.
'No, you can tell them when you want to. But with the aversion to meat fear of doctors and our past they probably guessed some. I always want to protect you guys but this situation is out of my control and I don't know what level of trust to give them.'
Drew and Artie relaxed slightly at what she said but nodded their heads.
'Del we love and depend on you, but you are not invincible. We are her to support you so please let us. And I'm tired can you do the lullaby thing?'
Delia's signs came soft and gentle as she signed a song. The twins eyes followed her movements their eyes began to droop before they completely shut.

Her knees aching for "singing" and standing for an entire hour. Gracen had already left after he was confident the crisis was over to go cancel the doctors appointment. She sat down, Hunter hadn't moved and just gazed at her — fondness clear in his eyes.
"Please try to trust us. At least not to hurt you."
His usual soft and calm voice had a hint of urgency and pleading in it. Delia raised an eyebrow and walked towards the dining room where her board still sat.
I'll trust you not to hurt us for now. But that is all I can promise.
Cautiously Hunter walked towards Delia, before he reached out and pulled her into a hug. Her body was stiff but she didn't resist and even began to relax slightly. Her back in a small amount of pain pulled her thoughts back but she stubbornly lingered in the warmth of the hug.

She hugged the twins, but this was different. When she hugged them it was a form of protection and a way of providing them with emotional support but with her older brother she was on the receiving end for once. It was nice. For once she stopped thinking, her mind wasn't running a million miles a minute she wasn't focusing on all the things that could or did go wrong. She just existed in the moment. But a moment was a moment and it ended all to quickly.

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