Chapter 58

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Gina laid on her beautiful guest bed. What went wrong? One moment she had everything under control Daniel was completely under her thumb, Hunter had completely escaped the since of obedience she had instilled in him and Gracen was coming along nicely with the influence of his brothers. Delia had made some attempts to usurp her influence, but still Gina had been confident in her own ability and the gullibility of her three oldest offspring.

The only conclusion she could come to is that the influence and presence of the three mistakes in their, Gracen, Daniel and Hunter, daily life had been underestimated and that the influence she had believed she had had was weakened more than anticipated. Some contingency plans would have to be set in place to pull them back to her side. It was going to be difficult task especially since in the beginning it wasn't part of her plan.

Gina believed that she could remain inactive and that Delia would attack her, naturally things would be in place for her to make her act more believable. That act would then in turn incite Delia into more action and the cycle would continue until the only person the adults believed was her. Now that Delia hadn't been particularly active and had managed to spin the support her way that would have to change.

But how could she go about that? Gina didn't care about her daughter, but that didn't mean she knew nothing about her. Gina had observed Delia all thirteen years of her life. She didn't know frivolous facts about her like what her favorite colors was, what she was allergic to or if she had her first period. She knew the important stuff: Delia would never lie, and she would protect the twins at any cost.

However these weren't really viable options for her plots, Delia didn't really have much she couldn't talk about and if she didn't want to she would just say so, it would cast suspicion, but that wasn't enough. No she had to utterly destroy her, otherwise the parasite, Delia, would just keep popping up to ruin Gina's life like she had done from day one.

The second option would indeed provide utter destruction to Delia, but it was too dangerous. Gina could get caught by her oldest, especially since she was now living in their house. If she did get caught it would be her final death sentence to get out of her court sentence with little to no jail time.

Fortunately there was a plan that could work, she could do it covertly, even if caught it would be easy to claim her innocence, she could infuriate Delia, cast shadows on Delia's moral character, and even break Delia back to the appropriate size.

A delighted smile spread across Gina's face. Ah, I am indeed brilliant. All she had to do is remain call and everything would go according to plan. Happily, Gina began to plan her vacation after this whole fiasco was over. It wasn't like mattered much, her two oldest made tons of money. That was one thing she truly missed about being with her husband. The free flowing money, he was a clueless, emotionless pain, but he did have the wallet she dreamed of.

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