Chapter 25

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"The only thing that could turn the evidence in mom's favor is an eye witness?"
"One that can say that there was coercion involved and that Jake was the main culprit"But no one can really say that at least not that the judge will believe, all their friends could be tied to the case this would make their testimony unreliable." Daniel listened for the response of his lawyer that he hired specifically for the defense of his mom.
"The best one would be Delia that it was mom's choice their is no way she testify that mom wasn't doing it on purpose. Not to mention she seems to have this thing for telling the truth.""Yeah, I know what you mean what's a human without the ability to fib once in awhile?"
"I don't know, Jeremy. I'll think about it."
Daniel hung up the phone and ran his fingers through his hair. Jeremy had basically given him two choices allow his mom to go to jail or convince his sister to lie and the both are fine and Jake the real bad guy goes to jail. Daniel knew which one was the best choice, but he also knew their was something wrong with it. But what is parenting if not a learning experience? It wasn't like it would kill Delia if he didn't let his mom go to jail, it wasn't Gina's fault anyway. Besides even if his mom did it him and his brothers could stop her from causing any damage.

Delia walked into the living room to see Hunter and Andre getting whacked by cushions that the twins were fiercely wielding. Delia watched anxiously they were bound to get hurt or knock something over. Just as the thought crossed her mind Artie lost grip on one of his pillows it flew straight and knocked into a bookshelf. The bookshelf was about 6' wide and 8' tall. Luckily it was far enough away for it to miss everyone. The crash was ground shaking and the smashing of some of the glass items on display resounded. However there was a bigger problem that Hunter and Andre had to deal with. Delia and the twins froze in identical expressions of fear and horror. The guilt of breaking stuff, the premonition of getting and trouble and the smashing of glass that seemed to repeat over over in their heads wasn't allowing them to function. Delia managed to snap out of it probably because of the worry about her brothers. She quickly pulled them o the ground and huddled them against her covering their senses of sit and hearing so they could focus on her. Delia knew that to her brothers she was the equivalent of safety. Hunter quietly approached them but remained three feet away, he didn't want to set them off by invading their personal space. Hunter hadn't known his siblings for long, but he believed in Delia she had managed for years to bring up her brothers if anyone understood and could help them be ok, it was going to be her. But Hunter wanted to help as much so it sat close by in case they needed anything and began to whisper.
"It's ok, everything is fine. Your safe. No one is going to hurt you me and Andre will make sure." It was on a constant loop and it seemed to help, but the twins weren't used to this place or to what consequences would happen I. This circumstance. Andre didn't know what to do, he didn't even know what this was about. Like he said before Andrew had not told him anything about meeting Delia much less what caused him to get sick to the stomach and cry so hard. But Andre wasn't called a genius for nothing, he had a pretty good guess. The worry, the horror and guilt of his twin. Delia's silence even though she wasn't mute and this. The silences about Delia's home life whenever they talked in the past. And the reaction to breaking glass was not normal and the fact that all three of them responded similarly meant that they most likely had similar experiences. Because they lived together and grew up together it didn't seem that strange, but their were too many coincidences when he added up all theses observations plus other ones he was adding to the puzzle now. He didn't know for sure his guess was right, but he knew Delia and the twins were not in the best frame of mind right now so he did what he always does to help  calm Delia down. He talked. Recently a friend of his had bought him a pocket-sized book full of interesting and weird facts, so Andre began to recite some of the stories he remembered. footsteps could be heard coming toward the room as well as voices of concern. Andre's explanation of how the idea of strawberry lemonade happened when a vendor at the circus sold out of lemonade so he grabbed a bucket of water from behind one of the tents and added citric acid to it to make the lemonade, but one of the performers had used that water to wash his red leggings given the now made lemonade a pinkish tint, and the guy calmly advertised that it was "strawberry lemonade" and sold it, was interrupted. (A/N True story, from my pocket book of interesting facts, sorry just really wanted to share it) Daniel, Gracen and Andrew stared at the downed bookcase, broken glass, strewn pillows and huddled group of three with an animated young man talking and a Hunter whisper I comforting words in the background.
"What happened?" Andrew asked his twin.
"I'm explaining how red leggings make strawberry lemonade, obviously. I always knew I was the smart twin." Andre responded lightly. Andrew just raised his eyebrow unamused.
"A pillow fight happened, and this" Andre gestures to the bookcase and glass, "is the casualty war causes." He made a dramatic sigh. Understanding that he wouldn't get anything from Andre he turned to look at Hunter gesturing for him to explain, before fixing his gaze on Delia and the twins who hadn't moved since they entered the room.
"He's right we had a pillow fight on of us lost our grip and the pillow flew and hit the bookcase and it fell. Delia and the twins negatively reacted to the sound of the smashing glass."
Gracen eyes lite up in understanding. The whiskey bottles their guardians threw.

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