Chapter 62

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Eventually the situation calmed down and Delia was able to eat her chicken soup peacefully. After she ate, the room was cleared for the optimal amount of rest. Rest wasn't a word Delia was particularly familiar with she was more familiar with sleep and considering her insomniac tendencies that bar was set low. 

About fifteen minutes after the room had cleared Delia looked knowingly at the door. Footsteps paused in front of her door, before proceeding down the hallway. Some people may have found this unsettling, but it made Delia sigh in relief. The plan that was so off track still had fundamentals that hadn't changed and that greatly relieved some of the pressure she had been feeling. It wasn't that her plan would have failed had the fundamentals changed, just that things would be riskier and some things she would rather keep to herself may be exposed. 

Thinking about the situations that may occur tomorrow, Delia felt a distinct tingle in her wrist. Well it seemed that tomorrow was going to be the end of this life she had been living. Their was some sadness and fear within Delia. However the most prominent emotion was excitement. With the extra adrenaline rush the news had brought Delia she began to make her final touches on her mural than proceeded to make her way out of her room and placed somethings in their desired places. 

The shed was the first visit after a quick stop at the kitchen to grab a zip bag. Once everything was in place she returned to her room and took her sleeping pills. It was going to be a long day tomorrow and having some sleep could prove helpful. The sleeping pills were taking a while to take effect so Delia began to pack her stuff and when she still wasn't sleepy she began to play the white noise machine, Gracen had given her from Hunter to improve her rest. The thought made Delia's spirits lift slightly, but she knew she needed to get used to not having them around. 

Logically it shouldn't prove very difficult consider the minimal amount of time she had interacted with them, but their care was something that Delia craved. And whether she admitted it or not the had managed to worm themselves into her life. 

The next morning Delia woke up to whispering. Keeping herself still she tried to determine her situation and who was around her. She was still in her bed under the covers. And the voices seemed to be about three feet away from her. Since the voices were still quiet it was difficult for her to determine who exactly each individual voice was. However Delia had a pretty good guess, there seemed to be three voices, two of which were easier to identify, the twins. The last one was more difficult the person was male and definitely past puberty because of the deeper quality, but she couldn't determine if it was Gracen, Hunter, or Andrew. Curiosity got the best of her and she opened her eyes. 

'Andre?' Delia signed in question. This day was about to be even more interesting and in the process probably more volatile. 

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