Chapter 57: Calm Down

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When I walked into the cafe from the back entrance the people that were in there were lined up sittinv against the wall and Kioshi was sitting on the floor in front of them.

Kioshi didn't even look like himself. His hair was all shaggy, his eyes had turned from a golden-green to a bright red, and his clothes were all wrinkled like he slept in them.

I walked closer as slowly as I could, but I accidently stepped on a piece of broken glass. "Damn it."

Kioshi looked up at me quickly growling a little showing his blood stained fangs from the man that was laying on the floor beside him and it was most definently a cop. "What do you want Raiden?"

I glanced at the people who were huddled close together in fear then back at him. "I was looking for you."

Kioshi looked away from me. "Well you found me now go the fuck away."

I was actually a little surprised even when Kioshi was mad he would yell at you and his eyes would go red for a second, but he would never cuss. This is getting to him more then I thought it was. I sighed. "I'm not leaving Kioshi not without you."

Kioshi glared at me and stood up. "I said get the fuck out Raiden!'

I stood my ground and crossed my arms. "No, you need to calm down Kio."

"Calm down?" Kioshi laughed. "You want me to calm down?!"

"Yes I want you to calm the fuck down!" I said yet in a calm voice. I needed to try and keep him calm because I did not want him doing something else that he would probably feel quilty for the rest of his life.

"I will not calm down Raiden!" Kioshi snapped. "I am pissed off because of everything that is happening Tsukiko just basically left us for that MONSTER! I am pissed off that Tsukiko does not care how we are feeling. I am pissed off that she is not coming back. I am pissed off that I WILL NOT SEE MY SISTER EVER AGAIN!!"

"You don't think I'm pissed off too Kio?" I asked. "I am pissed off more then you so is Anna. You are the one who gave up on finding her me and Anna didn't. You are the one who stop beliving that she will never come back--"

"She's not!"

I frowned narroing my eyes. "That is your problem now Kioshi you stopped beliving. Me and Anna didn't. You know she is out there right now begging that bastard to return Tsukiko for your sake."

Kioshi shook his head. "Lies!"

"I'm not lying Kioshi it's thw truth. Please calm down and come home so we can wait for her.". I said trying to sound desperate and the same time not. I already decided that if I couldn't get Kioshi to calm down by the time the others came back I would have to use force against Kioshi.

Kioshi growled and picked up a knife off the counter slowly walking towards me. "If I can't get you to leave I'm going to have to use force."

Oh please come back Tsukiko before I do something I will most definentlt regret.

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