Chapter 59: Forgiveness and Acceptance

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I ended up using a sleeping spell on my brother after all to make sure he remained calm then when we left the Cafe the people that were there in the cafe and around the cafe including the cops we had to wipe their memories of what they saw and replace them with new memories to cover our tracks.

When we got home Raiden laid Kioshi down on the couch and I reached over and spread the blanket over him and sat on the floor beside him slowly stroking his hair lovingly as he slept.


I looked as Raiden and Anna sat on the floor around me. "Yeah?"

"What you told Kioshi earlier. Is it true? Are you really pregnant?" Anna asked.

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah it's true."

"How did it happen?" Raiden asked and with that big brotherly tone.

"And who's the father?" Anna asked.

I didn't answer their questions right away. I mean I wanted to tell them. I wanted to tell them everything. I wanted to tell them that Naraku is the father. And I want to tell them that I was engaged to him as well. Bu I just didn't know how to tell them without them getting upset with me or seeing me a traitor. I looked down at the ring on my finger twisting it a little.

"Is that a engagement ring?" Raiden asked looking at me as I twisted the ring.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Who are you engaged to?"

I didn't answer.

Raiden sighed. "Tsukiko please talk to us."

I frowned a little. "I'm afraid to say anything because I'm afraid you'll see me as a traitor."

"Why do you think that?" Anna asked.

I sighed srill not looking at them. Here goes nothing. "Naraku Ichiyo is the father of the child I carry and he is the one I am engaged too."

Anna and Raiden didn't sag anything they just stared at me with wide surprised eyes.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. It just hurt too much. I let the tears that I was holding in for so long pour from my eyes and I put my head in my hands. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt yall. I was being so selfish I wasn't thinking about how I was hurting you all. I was only thinking about myself and I'm sorry please don't hate me. You're the only family I have left...please forgive me."

"Tsukiko..." Anna sighed and grabbed my hands gently pulling them away from my face and held them firmly in her grasp moving so she could sit in front of me. "We don't hate you Tsukiko...truthfully we were just hurt and angry, but not at you but at Naraku for taking you and messing with your head."

I just looked at her tears still pouring from her eyes.

Raiden moved to beside me and put his arm around me. "We could never hate you're our sister and no matter what you do or what happens you will always remain our sister."

I looked up at them. "So you forgive me?"

Both Raiden and Anna nodded. "Yes. We forgive you."

"But there is still a matter of the whole Naraku thing we're still a little sceptical about that." Raiden said.

I didn't say anything.

"So tell us about. You're whole situation." Anna said.

I sighed. I might as well. I shouldn't be keeping secrets from them anymore.  "Well the first I stayed was to keep you, Raiden and Kioshi alive."

"He threatened you?" Anna asked shocked.

I nodded. "Yes he did then, he got rid of my curse."

"No wonder you're not Amaya right now." Raiden said.

"Yes. And then after that it just felt like my mind went blank of everything that was important to me like I forgotten who or what was important to me; however at first Naraku was a complete asshole, but then we both started devloping feelings for one another and soon he became better."

"Do you love him?" Anna asked. "Do you love Naraku?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yes I do. I love him with all my heart."

"Despite everything that he has done to us, to you?" Raiden asked.

I didn't hesitate I nodded. "Yes I do. People can change. Peoples hearts can change. And Naraku's heart has changed. I know we all have some rough, horrible times, but I'm not focusing on the past anymore. The past stays in the past and so it's time to move forward."

Raiden and Anna looked at each other then scoffed looking at me. "You love him that much huh?" Anna asked.

I nodded. "Yes I do."

Raiden sighed running his hand through his hair. "Alright then we're okay with it."

I looked at them surprised. "You're okay with it?"

Anna nodded. "Yes we are..if you believe that he's changed and he's treating you well then yes we'll forgive him and accept yalls engagement..but.."

It was Raidens turn to cut in. "But..If he shows one sign of treating you poorly again and does something to make you cry or piss you off then we're not going to be so forgiving. Got it?"

I laughed a little but nodded. "Yes I got it."

"Good" Anna said then smiled. "So we're invited to baby shower if you're having one and the wedding right?"

"Of course you are." I said. "Why wouldn't yall be invited?"

"Well we don't know if Naraku still hates us." Raiden said.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him, but yall are invited to the wedding." I said.

I laughed and hugged both Raiden and Anna. I was glad everythhing worked out. I'm having a child, I'm getting married, both Raiden and Anna forgive Naraku for everything that he's done and they both accept our engagement. I have to say my life has turned out wonderful.

Simply wonderful.

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