Chapter 2: During The Day

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I awoke to a strong male voice calling my name. I groaned turning over burying my face into the pillow. "Five more minutes." I said my voice muffled.

There was a heavy sigh " Maya-neechan we don't have five minutes..we're going to be late."

(Note: Neechan means older sister in Japanese)

I didn't move I continued to lay there.

"GET UP!!" The voice yelled in my ear causing me quickly open my eyes and sit up straight my fist flying, but my wrist was quickly caught by a strong hand. I blinked clearing the blurriness from my eyes and looked up seeing it was my brother Kioshi and he was holding my wrist in his hand.

"Are you awake now?' He asked "Or you going to start sending punches again?"

"What? Oh no..I'm awake now you can let go of my wrist now Otouto." I said.

(Note: Otouto means younger brother also in Japanese)

Kioshi let go of my wrist and sighed heading for the door "Well anyway hurry up and get ready we're going to be late."

I looked out the window seeing that the morning sun was high in the sky and my brother's school uniform, my eyes widened "Wait...what time is it?!"

Kioshi looked down at his watch "It's going on 10:30." he said.

I jumped out of bed running past him towards the bathroom "Shit we're going to be late!"

"No really?" I heard Kioshi say. "I could of told you that much."

"Just shut up and leave me alone so I can get ready!" I snapped slamming the bathroom door behind starting up the shower.

"Okay, okay no need to yell." Was all my brother said. "When you get done me and Raiden-Aneki will be waiting down in the kitchen."

(Note: Aneki=olderbrother)

"Alright!" I called over the steaming hot water.

  I took a quick hot shower and got out drying myself off and blow dry my hair staring back at my own reflection. My dark red eyes were bright, my long black tangled hair needed a good brushing in a few and my skin was white as snow and smooth except for the scar that stood out on my left arm that started from my shoulder to my forearm and another one was on my back, but much bigger that was shaped like an X.

I always wondered how I got these awful scars. I just woke up with them one day and my brothers wouldn't tell me how I got them. And truthfully these scars is the only things that I hated most about me because they mark my pale smooth skin to the point where I can't wear short sleeves anymore or dresses without everyone staring at my scars.

Some times I sit there and think about how I got these scars; however it's like my mind wouldnt let me cause I get these sudden headaches. So as the days, weeks, and months went by I came to the point that I just stopped thinking about it all together.

I blinked coming quickly out my thoughts by shaking my head "UGH! I don't have time to be day dreaming!" I quickly walked out the bathroom into my room slamming the door closed and walking into my closet changing into my uniform.

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