Chapter 9: Pathetic

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I felt so utterly pathetic. Getting myself into this fucked up situation I mean seriously I call NO-ONE Master not even that mother fucker Naraku Ichiyo.

But I had no other choice but to go along with his sick, twisted game in order to keep my brothers out of this and alive along with myself.

I sighed looking down at the maids uniform that I wore just for him. It was the old fashion black and white maids outfit, but the skirt was way shorter then it needed to be and it was a little too tight making my boobs hardly fit into it.

I sat on the bed pulling up the black thigh high socks wincing a little when the stone cuffs touched my bare skin.

If it wasn't for these damn cuffs then maybe I could have got myself out of this really fucked up situation, but I guess we all don't get what we wish for.

Then the thought hit me. I grabbed my skirt that I was wearing off the chair and reached into my pocket praying it's still there. I let out a breath of relief when I pulled out my phone.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you God" I whispered flipping it open quickly sending both my brothers a message about what happened, but I couldn't tell them where I was...I just couldn't risk them getting killed trying to save me.

I glanced at the closed door biting my lip thinking...after about 2 more minutes of useless thinking I pressed the call button my heart pounding nervously in my chest.

Raiden immediately picked up "Jesus fucking Christ Tsukiko where the fuck are you."

"Yeah." Kioshi's voice cut in "We just got your text what do you've been taken??!!"

"Calm down you two." I said "I'm fine."

"Where are you?" Raiden asked.

"I-I can't tell you." Just keeping my whereabouts made my chest tighten...I mean I really wanted them to save me, but if they died I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"And why the fuck not?!" Raiden yelled.

I winced at his loud angry voice in my ear "I just can't..." was all I said.

"Then can you tell us who took you?" Kioshi asked.

"Naraka Ichiyo himself."

"Are you fucking serious?!" Raiden shouted a lot louder in my ear causing me to move my phone away from my face.

When he stopped yelling I put my phone back to my ear "Rai-aneki please stop yelling I told you I'm--

Before I could continue the door flew open almost coming off its hinges and there stood Naraku. He walked quickly towards me and snatched the phone out my hand looking down at me with an angry grin on his face. "You sneaky little bitch. It seems that my threat didn't get to you.."

"Please.." I begged "Don't hurt them!"

Naraku narrowed his eyes and crumbled the phone in his hand like it was a piece of paper. "Then what would you have me do?"

I didn't answer.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair yanking me to my feet "I think I have the perfect idea too." He said looking at my body from head to toe. "And by the time it's over you're going to wish that you're life just ended."

I fought against him as he dragged me across the room, but ever time I would have a burst of energy the stone cuffs would drain that energy back out of me leaving me completely weak and pathetic.

Naraku pushed on the stone wall which lead down into a dark tunnel. He pulled me forward still holding onto my hair.

"Let me the fuck go!" I growled clawing at his hands, but he didn't he only pulled on my hair harder.

"Don't worry." He said "You'll love this little punishment of yours. And maybe it'll teach you not to disobey my orders ever again."

The tunnel ended and opened up into a big room...the walls were made of black stone and a full wall mirror stood on the other side of the room, the flooring was made of red and black carpeting plus a big fur rug and a large sofa leaned against the back wall.

I gulped my heart pounding rapidly in my chest and that feeling in my stomach like something bad was really about to happen and I was going to terribly regret it.

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