Chapter 63: Early Arrival--A Baby Girl

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Six hours have passed by since I came into the hospital. Anna, Kioshi and Raiden had came and visited me. Naraku wasn't here yet and I was getting worried because he hasn't shown up yet and my contractions were getting worse and worse and I really needed him with me. I had asked myself if things could possibly get worse, but apparently they could later on that night my water decides to break.

So I'm laying here in the most excruciating pain unimaginable preparing to have a child which I wasn't ready to have.  Not yet.

"Mrs. Ichiyo you must start pushing." The nurse told me as she moved my hair back which was sticking to my face from sweat.

I shook my head breathing heavy. "No..i want my husband...he needs to be here. I...can' this alone."

"I know darling. I know, but we can't wait any longer you need to start pushing now."

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could form any eords the door opend and Naraku came rushing in. I sighed with relief. "N-Naraku..."

Naraku came over and stood beside the bed and grabbed my hand holding it in his. "Tsukiko.."

"Y-You're...late." I panted.

Naraku smiled a litte. "I'm sorry I ran into some trouble, but I'm here now."

I started crying. "I c-can't do this N-Naraku...w-what if she turns out like me. What if something bad happens? What if something goes wrong? N-Naraku--"

Naraku placed his free hand on the side of my face. "Shhh. Tsukiko nothing is going happen and she is not going to turn out like you used to be. We are going to raise her the way we were never raised. We are going to make sure she becomes a fine and wise beautiful woman just like her mother. I am here for you Tsukiko and always will be you. I'm not letting you do this alone. You can do this. Now start pushing for me so we can finally complete our life together."

I nodded. "O-okay..."

"Alright Mrs. Ichiyo on the count of three we need you to start pushing." I heard the doctor say and then started to count. "1...2...3...Push!"

I cried out my grip tightening on Naraku's hand as I pushed.







On the finally push I collasped back on the bed breathing heavy like i ran a long race and I laughed a little in between gasps for air when I heard the sound of child crying.

"Congratulations, it's a  baby girl." The nurse said as she wrapped my baby daughter into a soft looking pink blanket and brought her over to me and Naraku.

I smiled and looked at her. "C-Can I hold her?"

The nurse gently put my daughter in my arms and stepped back.

"You did good honey." Naraku said and kisses my forehead and looked at his daughter in my arms. "She's so beautiful. She has your eyes."

I nodded and smiled when our daughter smiled "Yeah. And she has your smile."

"What's her name?" The nurse asked.

I looked up at Naraku and I noticed he was actually crying I could see a few tears slowly fall from his eyes. He was that happy about his daughter being born. I smiled. "Why don't you name her honey."

Naraku smiled at her gently stroking her cheek with his finger. "How about Kikyo?"

I smiled. "Kikyo" It was  very beautiful name.

"Kikyo is a lovely name." The nurse said.

"Yeah." I said. "It is. Kikyo Renmu Ichiyo."

"What a lovely name." Naraku said and kissed my forehead again.

The nurse came back over and gently picked Kikyo from my arms. "Alright we have to take her and run some tests on her make sure she's 100% healthy. And while we're doing that you get some rest."

I nodded. I did feel tired more tired then I have ever had well not during my pregnancy, but you get my drift. I got situated wincing a little on how sore my body was and layed my head back on the pillow. "Alright."

The nurse walked out diming the lights as she left.

I turned my head and looked at Naraku you sat down in the recliner beside my bed. "You're staying?"

Naraku reached over and put his hand on my hand smiling. "I'm not going anywhere. You get some rest I'll be here when you wake up."

I nodded mu head slowly and sighed with relief. "Okay. I love you Naraku. I'm glad I married you."

"Me too Tsukio. Me too you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. " Naraku said.

I smiled feeling teats form in my eyes as his words. I closed my eyes feeling a few tears fall from my eyes. And you are the most best thing that has ever happened to me as well. I thought as I drifted off into an exhausted yet peaceful sleep.

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