Chapter 33: Thank You For Loving Me.

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I sat on the floor surrounded by shopping bags, but i wasn't really paying any attention to the items that surrounded me. I was more deep in thought focused on the words that Naraku had said to me earlier before I had feel asleep in his lap. "I love you Tsukiko Yukimura."

Love. I thought. It was such a strange word to me. I never really said it to anyone it's like the word itself didn't belong in my vocabulary.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over my shoulder as  Naraku called my name. "Y-Yes Master?"

Naraku sat at the end of the bed looking down at me and to my surprised he looked at me such sad eyes. "Listen about what I said earlier in the car...I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

Me? Uncomfortable? I turned around on the floor so that i could face him. "Master you didn't make me uncomfortable...truthfully I always--" I paused not really knowing I should continued.

Naraku looked at me confused. "You always what?"

I looked down at my hands the were joined together in my lap. "I always wanted to hear someone tell me that they loved me."

"No-one has evee told you they loved you?" Naraku asked a little surprised.

I shook my head. "No, I'm Tsukiko Yukimura remember? I'm an S-Class Vampire with a 435 million yen boubty, and i used to have sex with other men just for their blood. Who's going to tell me that they love me?"

"What about your parents I'n sure they always said they loved you." Naraku said.

I scoffed "My parents were distugsted by me...they saw me as an embarrassment to the family. They never told me they loved not even before they died. Then when I started my new life here after being cursed by own parents I still never met anyone that said they loved me they always saw me as an outcast because I was different." I sighed and shrugged "So I guess you can say that I never been loved before or I dont even know what it feels like to be loved. Hell I never even used the word before."

Naraku sighed. "Tsukiko--"

"However Master." I continued cutting him off. "I want to thank you."

"Thank me? What for?"

"For loving me." I said. "Thank you for loving me for who I am and what I'm not. Thank you for showing me what it felt like to love and to be loved. Even though I don't deserved to be loved."

"That"s not true!" Naraku said standing up suddenly surprising me.

I looked up at him. "Master?"

Naraku got on his knees in front of me and pulled me into his arms. "Don't ever say that you don't deserve  to be loved...everyone has a right to be loved including you..

I-" He paused for a second "I love you."

I leaned my head against his cheat tears burning my eyes demanding to be set free.  Throught out my whole 100 years of my life I always wanted someone to hold me exactly like this and tell me that he loved me. I always wanted someone who would accept me for who I am despite how I used to be. I always wanted that.

And now here's the moment that I always wanted coming from my dreams and into reality. Here Naraku was holding me dearly and protectivly in his arms saying that he loved me.

"But what I'm afraid of his." Naraku said and by his tone I wasnt sure if he was talking to me or thinking out loud. "Do you love me?"

Do I Love my Master?

I thought back to the day that I first met Naraku and how I hated him because of all the things that he has done to me; however, the more time that I stayed with me summiting myself to himI had began to develope these strange feelings for my Master and I know a slave isnt suppose to have these feelings for her Master, but I couldnt help it the more I stayed next to him the stronger the feelings got.

Is that what they call Love? I asked myself. Do I really love Master Naraku? I didn't need an answer because I already knew the answer.

I looked up at Naraku letting the tears that were trying to escape pour from my eyes. "I-I do...Love you Master Naraku...I love you so much."

Naraku smiled leaning down and kissed me passionately  on the lips hugging me closer to him.

I closed my eyes wrapping my arms arouns his neck leaning in to the kiss pressing my body against his my boobs pressing against his chest.

I now know what it feels like to be truely loved by someone. And for the first time I enjoyed the feeling and I wished that this feeling could last forever.

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