Chapter 6: Way Too Long

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"Raiden-aneki please stop pacing it's making me nervous." Kioshi said looking up from his book.

I sighed "I can't help it's almost dark and maya-neesan isn't back yet."

"I'm sure she's on her way as we speak."

Before I could say anything I heard the front door being slide open and then slam shut.

"See that's probably her right now." Kioshi said closing his book and standing up.

It better be her. I thought as we walked out the living room and when we rounded the corner we saw that it WAS our sister, but she was leaning against the door breathing heavy like just finished a marathon.

"Neechan?" Kioshi asked "What's wrong did something happen?"

"I..I" Amaya said as she slowly began catching her breath.

My eyes went wide "Attacked?! By who?"

Amaya finally got her breath and said "I don't know."

"What did they look like?" Kioshi asked.

"Um...there were two of them, one was taller then the other, they wore all black, and they were Vampires."

"What class?" I asked.

Amaya shrugged "It was hard to tell, but how weak they were when I was fighting them they were probably B-Class Vampires."

I let out a silent sigh of relief.

"There's more." Amaya said.

"What?" Kioshi said.

Amaya signed "They said that they were ordered to bring me to their King."

Kioshi and I shared quick confused glances before looking back at our sister. "King?" we both said at the same time.

Amaya nodded.

"Did they say a name?"I asked

"They only called him King Ichiyo."

I glanced at Kioshi from the corner of my eyes and his face was pale, his icy blue eyes were wide and you could see a bead of sweat slide down the side of his face. He knew that name more perfectly then other names and so did I.

"Y'all look like y'all know him." Amaya said.

Kioshi blinked "Well you can say that...he is an infamous S-Class Vampire his full name is Naraku Ichiyo he has a 425 million yen bounty on his head."

"Wow..he must be really powerful to have that much of bounty." Amaya said.

"He is a S-Class vampire after all." I said choosing what I say very carefully.

Amaya stretched her arms "I'm going to take a shower then go to bed I'm exhausted..."

"You must be." Kioshi said "You had a very eventful day after all."

"Yeah..." our sister said heading up the stairs "Night..."

"Night" Kioshi and I said before going back into the living room.

I don't see why I'm saying night to her...once the moon fully comes up

we're just going to see her again just as a different person, but I guess you can't rid of some old habits.

"What does that bastard want with Amaya?" I asked sitting on the floor leaning my elbow on the table. "It's

bad enough he tries to come after Tsukiko, but now Amaya-neesan?"

"I don't know Rei-aneki" Kioshi said looking down at his hands with sadness in his eyes. "I would like to know too."

I slammed my fist down on the table with such force that it sent tiny cracks through the dust free wood "Damn it! Too long that S-Class bastard has been after Tsukiko-neesan now he's after Maya-neesan..what does he want from her?!...I'm getting tired of it!!"

Kioshi looked up at me "Getting mad about it aneki won't answer your questions."

I sighed putting my head down on my folded arms "I's just that this is going on way too long and I'm tired of it."

"I know..." Kioshi agreed then narrowed his eyes frowning "This has been going on way to long and it's pissing me off."

I looked up at Kioshi as his eyes went from green and gold to a full blood red. Kioshi is actually a nice person, but just never piss him don't even think about...truthfully I have to say he's more scarier then me when he's angry.

He's more then angry. I thoughtHe's furious...he has those eyes like fathers when he's like this.

I don't blame him..I'm angry too...I mean how would you feel if someone kept messing with your only sister?

[And there's are badass character Raiden-kun! -->>]

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