Chapter 20: Just Kill Me

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"Let me go! Get off of me!" I begged.

"Shut the fuck up you slut!" The blonde hair boy snapped as he thrusted himself faster and harder into me. "A Whore like you deserves this."

Tears poured from my eyes as the 2 boys molested my body.

"S-Stop.....please STOP IT!!"

My eyes flew open and I sat up quickly breathing heavy, sweat coated my hot skin, and my heart was pounding in my chest.

I put my hand on my chest taking a few deep breaths before I felt my heart settle.

"What was that just now?" I said to myself. I mean it felt so real for a dream. It felt like I was actually there being used and abused by those men.

I sighed sitting up in bed and moving my kids ng hair out of my face and thankfully when I sat up and looked down at myself I was fully clothed and NOT naked like I was when I first woke up here. I blinked a couple of times to clear the bluryness out my eyes and looked around and then I immediately wished that I didn't wake up...I was still in HIS room that bastard that I hate so much...Naraku or what ever is name was. Suddenly all these memories started pouring into my head everything that he has ever said time...everything that he says I do once the sun goes down.

"Am I really a monster like he says I am?" I said out loud to myself.

Do I really turn completely different and basically have sex with men because I have a fixing for blood? Is that really me? I mean I'm just having a hard time actually believing it because there's no way in hell that I turn into an S class vampire who has a almost a 430 million yen bounty at night. I mean HOW DO I NOT REMEMBER ANY OF IT?!

I sighed to myself "I don't care anymore. It doesn't matter." Then why do I feel so sad about it? Why do I have this betraying feeling in my heart? Why do I feel like if I just end it all here that it would make me feel so much better? I mean why should I stay alive now? my life right now is basically turned to crap Ina matter of 5 days.

   I sat there leaning against the wall with my knees pulled up to my chest and arms wrapped around my legs and as I sat there I began to recap all the things that have happen to me so far....

First: I get attacked by a bunch of Vampire spies at my highschool...

Second: I wake up naked somewhere I don't know and strapped down.

Third: I get told that I am another person and basically a monster that has sex with men just so I can rip their throats out.

And last but not least: I have these sudden visions that I am being gangbanged by strangers that I never seen before. Twice.

So tell me if I deserve to be living or not.

I tried to hold back the tears that were welding in my eyes, but I couldn't stop them in time before they started pouring from my eyes. I cried into the pillow for what seemed like forever and I didn't stop till my eyes were red and hurting. I'm done....I'mjust done. I looked around the room and my eyes rested on a blade that was imbedded in the wall. I crawledoff the bed and went over towards it then wrapped my hand and ound the cold hilt and pulled it forcefully out the wall then sat back on the bed staring at it.

"I'm sorry Raiden-aneki, I'm sorry Kioshi-niisan..?" I said tears coming from my eyes again "I'm sorry....I just can't take this anymore...I can't live this life anymore...the world will be a little safer without me here. My only regret is that I didn't get to see y'all one last time."

I turned the blade in my hand and aimed for my heart...the most fatal part in a vampires body. I closed my eyes and was about to strike. However before I could feel the blade go through me a strong hand grabbed my wrist stopping me.

I opened my eyes and looked up and saw it was Naraku.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He growled pulling the blade from my hand.

I reached out for the blade, but he just lifted it out of my reach "Please...." I begged "Give it back!!"

"No! why are you trying to kill yourself?!" Naraku snapped throwing the blade towards the wardrobe where it stuck there rocking a little on impact.

I stood up about to go towards it, but Naraku grabbed me and pulled me into his arms holding me right.  I struggled in his hold "Let me go!"

"No! Answer me why are you trying to kill yourself!?"

"Because." I cried "I don't deserve to live! a monster doesn't deserve to live! A murder doesn't deserve to live. Please...." I stopped struggling tears pouring from eyes "Just....Kill me. Just end my life...please..."

Naraku held onto me, but he wasn't holding me like he was trying to stop was almost like he was hugging me. "I'm sorry." he suddenly that it shocked me. When I first met Naraku he was a total asshole and he acted like he didn't care or have any emotions, but this Naraku is being kind, thoughtful, understanding and sort of loving.

"I'm sorry you're going through so much pain right now." he continued putting his hand on top of my head "And because you're going through so much pain...I'm going to fix it....I'm going to make it better."

Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain going through my head. I grited my teeth at the pain that went from head and down throughout my body. It felt like my body was on fire, my heart was pounding roughly in my chest. I jerked in his arms trying to get away, but he held onto me tight. Then suddenly I felt his fangs bite deeply into my neck my body tensed and I let out a loud scream and he covered my mouth muffling my cries.

I kept struggling then suddenly my body went limp in his arms, my mind felt like it was shutting down, my vision began unfocusing and I felt like a drifting into a deep, dark sleep, but the strange thing is that I was accepting it. I slowly closed my eyes and accepted the darkness that was closing in around me.

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