Chapter 42: Plan B

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I stood up in the tree that i was perched in surrounded by darkness of the woods staring at Naraku's home. It was time to set Plan A into action.

Plan A is to simply find a way and sneak myself into Naraku's home, find him, knock him out then beat him and make him watch as I kill every single one of his followers one by one in front of him then I simply cut off his worthless head.

Suddenly as I was deep in thought one of my soldiers appeared beside me. "Did you find a way in?"

He modded. "Yes sir...and you will love this I found a way into his bedroom. The window is open."

I grinned. "I see he's made this perfectly easy for me." I stood up "Alright I'm going in."

"Do you want me to join you sir?"

"No I don't think I will need your assistance; however if I am not back with in the hour I want you to gather up the other soldiers you may come after me...and kill anyone on sight. Understood?"

He nodded. "Yes sir."

With that I quickly ran out from by hiding place sliding down the hill towards the Kings home. Once I was down the hill I stayed with in the shadows so I wouldn't be seen by the guards (i didnt want to fight the guads yet) that were standing around the front entrance then silently made my eat around the side not making one sound as I moved.

I looked up at the second floor and there was the clearly opened window possibly leading into Naraku's bed room. I looked around at my surroundings and seeing that the close was clear for now I emerged from he shadows and started climbing the wall towards the window. When I was close enough I climbed inside and landed silently on my feet in a crouch.

I looked around the room and seen that no-one was here, but the bed wasn't made clearly showing signs that someone was still in this room knowing a King would not leave a room unless his bed was made. I stood up straight and started moving around, but then suddenly stopped when i heard the sound of running water I looked towards the bathroom door which was closed.

I grinned. So he is here. I slowly made my way towards the door and when I was close enough and also before I could stop myself I kicked down the door, but it wasnt Naraku who was behind the door it was a girl.

The girl quickly turned around away from the shower to stare at me. She was completely naked, her pale skin looked flushed with fever and she looked little off balanced; however to my surprise I recongnized this girl from her long white hair, her icy blue eyes and the scars on her arms.

Tsukiko Yukinura. I thought. What the hell is she doing here? As soon as I asked myself that question I immediately figured out the answer.

I crossed by arms and grinned. "Tsukiko Yukinura I see Naraku has turned you into one of his servants."

Tsukiko frowned. "W-Who are you?"

"Lets just say I'm not a cert nice guy." I said.

She growled a little "W-Why are you in my Master home. You cannot be here.'

"Tell me where is your master?"

"He's not here." she said.

"And where is he?"

"I'm not telling you the location of my Master." Tsukiko said " So i suggest you get--" before she could finish her sentence I grabbed her by the throat slamming her against the glass doors of the showers.

"Look here you little bitch." I said tightening by grip around her throat. "I suggest you tell me where he is or I'm going to snap your neck."

"H-He's went...out." She gasped struggling to brake free.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

Tsukiko narrowed her eyes at me. "I-I'm not telling can kill me if you want, but I'm not telling you where he is."

I growled narrowing my eyes at her, but didn't say anything. Damn it! That sneaky bastard!

It seems that Naraku has slipped out on me before I could get the chance. Looks like Plan A has tragically failed and now I have to go and switch to Plan B.

Take a servant that Naraku is fond of and make him come to me then from there I can kill him. I looked down at Tsukiko and by the looks of it I am guessing he is fond of this girl.

I grinned. It seems there is a change of plans.

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