Chapter 15: Horrible Memories.

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I don't know how long I laid their crying, but I eventually drifted off to sleep and when I woke up the room was starting to get dark the only source of lighting was the light from the setting sun that's coming through the big wall sized window.

I sat up yawning and rubbed my eyes looking around. The room was dead quiet which made it quite unsettling. I stood up stretching out my legs and arms then walked over towards the door. I placed my hand on the cool nob and pull on it, but the door wouldn't budge.

I sighed "Great...locked. Now how I am going to get out of here?"

I was about to sit back down on the bed when something about the wall on the other side if the room strangely caught my attention. I walked over and stood in front of the wall.

I don't know why this wall attracted my attention. I mean its just a wall what more can I wall me? I laughed to myself leaning again the wall when suddenly the wall gave in causing me to stumble forward.

"What..the hell?" I said confused looking down the twisting that lead into nothing but darkness.

This would be the perfect moment to back away and just pretend that I never even seen this, but like always dear little miss Curiosity got the better of me.

I took a deep breath letting it out slowly and stepped down the stairs slowly as possible the stones feeling cold underneath my bare feet. My breathing struggled to stay steady and calm as I went father down into the darkness.

However as I was walking down I kept getting these strange feelings like I've been through here before. But I just couldn't remember like something was preventing from remembering.

After about 2 minutes of walking I saw light at the end of the stairs. I went through the opening looking around and was confused by what I saw.

It was another room.

A little bigger then the bedroom that I was just in. The walls were made of black stone and a full wall mirror stood on the other side of the room, the flooring was made of red and black carpeting plus a big fur rug and a large sofa leaned against the back wall. Even the ceiling was made into a mirror.

I went through the opening that led into the big room to where I was eventually standing in the middle of the room staring at own reflection in the big mirror.

And strangely the longer I stood there the more I was getting these flashes of memories that I don't even remember happening. And they weren't happy, cheerful memories, but shocking, horrible memories that made my chest tighten and hurt.

It was flashes of me...well it didn't quite look like look like that girl that looked like me in that picture Naraku showed me....Tsukiko I think he called her...well me.

My eyes widen at what my mind was showing me. It was showing me having sex with different men...something that I would never do....then after that killing those men by ripping out their throats with my bare hands draining every ounce of blood from their bodies.

Not even a sign of quilt showed on my face, only a look of not caring what I was doing ad long as I got the blood.

That wasn't all that my mind showed also showed me better fucked by three different guys in the same room that I'm standing in now. But what made my heart stop was the fact that I wasn't trying to get away or fight them....I was actually enjoying it.

I dropped my knees years burning in my eyes at the horrible memories that were replaying over and over in mind like a broken record.

Why am I remembering these things? I asked myself inside my head. I mean I really wanted to know....After all this time my mind could of reveled the truth about me why did it choose now?

I wanted that question to be answered so bad, but I just didn't have the right answer.

Suddenly I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I let the tears flow from my eyes poring down my cheeks onto my knees.

"AM I TRULY A MONSTER?!"  I angrily screamed at myself.

Then my vision started to blur, it felt like my whole mins just shut down and all I saw next was darkness.

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