Chapter 10: Our Fault

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I looked at Raiden as the phone went dead his face was a mask it was hard to tell what he was feeling right now. That's how good he was at showing his emotions.

Raiden sat down on the couch putting his head in his hands "That asshole." he said. "This is my fault."

I frowned sitting on the floor in front if him "Raiden this isn't your fault--

"Yes it is!" Raiden snapped still not looking up "If I didn't get rid of him back then...then none of this would of happened."

I sighed "Like I said Rai it is not your fault! It is BOTH our faults!"

Raiden finally looked at me and I couldn't help but be surprised by his face. For my whole entire life that I have known him I've never seen this expression on his face. He usually has a mean/annoyed expression sometimes happy (When something good happens), but never I have seen him with this sad expression like he was on the verge of crying.

"Explain it to me then." he said "How is all of this both our faults?!"

"Because WE tried so hard to protect Tsukiko, yet we couldn't so this is both our faults."

Raiden didn't say anything.

"But right now aneki." I continued "Nows not the time to be blaming ourselves for anything we have to figure out where Tsukiko-neechan is and save her."

Raiden sighed and nodded "You're right...we have a bigger picture here...sorry."

I slightly smiled "No need to apologize...I understand you're upset and so am I, but we can't afford to loose our heads over this."

I tried to remain calm and talk with a calm manner, but deep inside I was more angry then Raiden was. I mean that bastard Naraku just crossed a line that he shouldn't have crossed and I was gonna make sure that he fucking pays for blood.

A King's Slave.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ