Chapter 48: Uncontrollable Anger and Hunger

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Why are you fighting it now? After all those guards you killed for their blood? Don't you want more? 

I closed my eyes gritting my teeth trying to get that voice in my head to go away. I t was true what I did I killed all those guards for their blood. I ripped their throats out with my own bare hands. I took every ounce of their blood just so I could satisfy that voice in my head just so it would go away, but it didn't it wants more, it wants more blood and it's trying to control me so it can get it. But I don't want anymore I jiust want to go home back to Master Naraku and Master Miroku that's all I want to do I was tired of killing and besides that's not me anymore I'm not a ruthless, mercyless killer anymore not since I summited myself to Master Miroku and Master Naraku.

 Stop fighting it just accept it, it's part of who you are. You are a killer and you'll always be on.

..stop... I thought.

Why you know I'm telling the truth you can never escape from what you were born to do.


Just give into your desires, let it all go, just give in, stop living this pathetic life thinking that you'll live happily ever after with your masters, you are a monster and you will always be a monster!



I opened my eyes and looked up seeing that Miroku was standing in front of me gently moving my hair from my face "Tsukiko are you alright?"


Miroku nodded "Yes it's me...I'm going to get you out of here okay? Just hold still." Miroku reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pair of leather gloves and quickly put them on then he reached up and started breaking apart the chains that held up arms up above my head.

I closed my eyes and put my head back down. "P-Please...Help me...M-Master Miroku.."

There is no help for you.

"That voice won't shut up...i-it wont go away."

I am apart of you, you can never get rid of can.

Miroku looked down at me and gently lifted my head making me look at him "What is this voice saying?"

"It...keeps..telling me to get more."

"More what?"

"Blood." I couldn't old it in any longer I let the tears pour from my eyes, in this form I haven't cried since I was a child. I had always kept the tears back hidden from everyone else, but now what's happening to me is just too much to bear right now that I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. "It..hurts throat feels like it's on fire and my fangs won't stop throbbing."

Miroku put both of his hands on both sides of my face "Listen to me Tsukiko, do not listen to it, do not listen to that voice, it's trying to control you, pull you down into your blood lust you must not let it."

Foolish cannot stop me from getting what I want.

"I-I can't..."

"Yes you can Tsukiko." Miroku said 

"It's usless talking to her." A voice broke in "There is no stopping the bloodlust once it's already there."

I looked around searching for the source of the voice and when I rested my eyes on the man that had caused all of this, the man that violated and abused my body the body that belongs only to my Masters, and the man that wants to hurt my Master I felt anger approaching, an anger that was more violent then any anger that I had felt. I wanted to kill that man. I wanted rip that mans throat out and drainn every ounce of blood from his body and watch his life drain from eyes.

That's it...let go of that anger....use that anger to get what we want. And we. Want. BLOOD!

I growled feeling my fangs getting longer, and nails getting sharper and I bawled my hands into tight fists and pulled on the remaining chains until the broke and I dropped my arms at my sides.

"No Tsukiko, don't!" Miroku said desperaately, but I ignored him.

I looked at that man and he was fighting someone else and it looked like Master Naraku.

Don't worry about him! JUST GET THE BLOOD!

Growling and moved forward lightening fast tackling the man that was fighting my Master down to the floor and before he could even defend him self I dug my sharp nails into his throat and ripped his throat out watching the blood pour from the wound and pooling on the floor under him. I leaned down and started drinking that blood from his unmoving body.

That's it! Give us more!  Give us more blood..we need more blood.

I bit deeper into his neck feeling my fangs sever his artieries bringing forth more blood into my waiting mouth and when it hit y taste buds and when down my throat I felt refreshed, I felt stronger and when I had succesfully drained every ounce of his blood I felt like I need more. I did need more.


I looked up and over my shoulder at Miroku behind me.

"Stop that's enough."

I stood up facing him not caring my arms and hands werre stained with the delicious smelling blood. " to tell me when is enough?" I started moving closer towards him growling. "You do not know me, you are beneath me you have no right to tell me when enough is enough. I am Tsukiko Yukimura the most viscious vampire in Japan." I paused laughing a little grinning showing him my blood stained fangs. "I wonder what your blood tastes like why don't you hold still so I can take it." I growled lunging forwards towards him; however before I could even get close to Miroku Naraku was suddenly in front of me and before I could even react or stop he bawaled his hand into a fist aand punched me hard in the stomach.

 "Yes you are Tsukiko Yukimura." He said looking down at me and gently moved my hair from my face. "But you are not the most viscious vampire in Japan anymore. You are my little pet that I have fallen in love with and you always will be."

I looked at Naraku my vision unfocusing "Master...Naraku...."

"Go to sleep now Tsukio, you need some rest." Naraku said and those were the only words I heard before everything went completely dark.

A King's Slave.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora