Chapter 40: Convince Him.

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I sat in the library laying on the couch in front of the fire reading a book; however I couldn't really concentrate on the words I was reading my mind kept going back three hours later where me and my brother basically fucked Tsukiko senseless to the point she passed out.

I smiled to myself thinking that staying here and getting to play with Tsukiko whenever I pleased was going to be the best thing that as ever happened to me. I shifted in the couch as my cock start to become erect at the thoughts of what I could possibly do to Tsukiko to get her scream.

I was enjoying the thoughts when all of a sudden my phone started ringing in my pocket. I sighed taking the phone out and looked at and not to my surprise it was dad calling. Buzz Kill...I thought before answering it. "Hey Dad...How did your talk between Naraku and you earlier go?"

Dad sighed "Horrible...he absolutely hates me."

"Did you try apologizing?" I asked.

"Of course I did." Dad said "I told him I wanted to apologize for everything that I have done, but he just cut me off, told me that he wad going to never forgive me and then hung up."

I smiled and mentally laughed in my head Yup that's something that my brother would do alright. "Well what do you want me to do about it? It's not like I can convince him to forgive you."

Dad sighed "No, but you can convince him to come see me. "

I sat up "Are you crazy in the head dad?! I can't convince Naraku to go see you it took me forever just for me to convince him to call you in the first place."

"There you to if you convinced him once you can do it again. You'll think of something. I'll be landing in Japan tonight around 11:00 at night at the Triple Circle Hotel I aspect both of y'all to come."

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could say anything Dad hung up on me. I snapped my phone shut and sighed "That stubborn old man."

Naraku isn't going to like this one bit. I thought. But I should give it a shot because sooner or later him and dad really do need to put the last behind them both and get along.

I closed the book setting it down and stood up. "Alright lets go talk to my stubborn brother." I opened the door walking out the library and headed towards Naraku's study.

I walked in without knocking and found him laying on the leather couch with his eyes closed I wasnt surprised that Tsukiko wasnt with him she was probably still passed out in the bed. I picked up a pillow out of the chair and threw it at him hitting him in the face. "Wake up Naraku."

Naraku removed the pillow from his face and sat up looking at me "What do you want Miroku?"

"Dad called. He's coming back to Japan tonight and he wants to see both of us." I said getting right to the point.

"Well you can go by yourself and tell him that I never want to see his old ass ever again." Naraku said.

I knew this was going to be impossible but I can't give up just yet. "Come on Naraku it's only going to be for a little while."

Naraku narrowed his eyes "No means No Miroku. I'm not going to see him and that's final."

I sighed in frustration. "You are impossible!"

"What's that suppose to mean?!"

"It means what it means!" I said raising my voice at him "You are so cowardly that you won't come with me to see what dad wants."

I didn't tell him why dad wanted to see him because if I did he would definently refuse to go even if I did try my hardest to convince him.

Naraku frowned and stood up. "I am not Cowardly!"

I crossed my arms "Well you sure as he'll acting like it!"

Naraku didn't say anything he just glared at me his hands clenching into fists at his sides then after a few moments of silence he spoke. "I will prove to you that I, Naraku Ichiyo is not cowardly! You want me to come with you to see that old man fine I will come with you to see him!"

I mentally grinned to myself BINGO! I shrugged "Fine he's arriving here at 11:00 he told me that he will be at the Triple Circle Hotel."

Naraku walked past me towards the door. "Fine, but I'm not staying long I will stay to hear what he wants but that is about it."

I smiled a little "Alright sounds fair to me."

With that Naraku left the room the door slamming behind him.

I sighed and let out the laugh that I was holding. I am a genius.

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