Chapter 38: Just Give Up.

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I sighed and laid my head down on the table. Me, Raiden and Annabelle has been sitting here for two days straight trying to come up with a plan to help rescue Tsukiko and what to do about it, but so far nothing has came to either of our minds.

"Maybe we should just give up." I said a loud and i didn't realize I said it out Lois until after a few seconds those words came out of my mouth.

Raiden and Annabelle looked at me both of them surprised. "What?"

I sighed No need to hide my thoughts now. "I said maybe we should just give up on trying to find Tsukiko. I mean it's obvious we are never going to find her."

"Kio don't say that." Annabelle said "Of course we cant give up Tsukiko-san would not like us forgiving up."

I lifted my head and banged by fist on the tar causing Annabellr to flinch a little. "She doesn't even remember us!" I snapped "You said it yourself Anna when you walked up to Tsukiko-neesan and told her who you were and also about us you said that she didn't know you or us. So how can she not like us if she doesn't know us anymore?!"

Annabelle broke eye contact with me and looked down at the table not saying anything.

Raiden looked at me frowning, buy didn't say anything either.

I didn't mean to snap like that at Annabelle, but I'm just tired of not having any clues onto how to find Tsukiko or where she might be and it's also frustrating how Naraku erased her memories of me, Raiden, Annabelle and who knows maybe he's erased memories of others as well.

So it's hopeless whatever we do or how hard we try we will never see Tsukiko ever again. Raiden and I promised each other after mom and dad died that we will do anything to protect Tsukiko, but now as you can plainly see we both have broken that promise.

So in order to keep my heart from breaking anymore. I'm sorry Tsukiko-neesan, but I am giving up. I don't want to give up I truely don't but it's hopeless I have had enough heart break and I can't stand the pain anymore.

I'm done. I thought. I'm just done.

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