Chapter 32: So Stupid

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"I love you Tsukiko Yukimura." I said before the I could even stop the words that came out my mouth. What was I thinking?! saying stuff like that?! I mean how can I love Tsukiko? I can't love her, she's only my pet, my little whore, my sex toy. I can't possibly love her....can I?

Can I really truely love Tsukiko Yukimura?

Can a king that's killed so many in the past.

That has done so many wrong things in the past.

Truely love their slave?

Is it even possible?

I am so stupid for thinking such things. Of course a king can't love espically love their slaves. My father never loved anyone he just told me that I was just an accident that he didn't mean to get his slave girl pregnant and when she refused to get rid of the child he told me he had no other choice, but to keep it. "A king can't love. A woman only gets in the way of a king's responsibilities." my father had told me and those very words still echo in my head until this very moment.

But I'm not like my father. I don't want to be like my father. I thought. I want to actually love. I don''t to become that ruthless King that my father was always training to be. I looked down at Tsukiko who was still curled up in my lap her head resting against my shoulder fast asleep.

I do Love Tsukiko Yukimura.

But does she love me?

I scoffed "Of cournse not." I said then quickly shut my mouth when Tsukiko shifted a little in her sleep.

How can she possibly love me?

After all those things that I have done to her....

How could anyone love me?

After all these sins I've commited in my life time...

I'm such a stupid fool for ever thinking that anyone inculding Tsukiko could ever love me.

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