Chapter 14: For Now On

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"How long are you planning on keeping me here?" I asked sitting crossed legged on the bed.

Naraku didn't look at me as he headed for the door "As long as I would like because you are mine for now on."

I laughed "I don't belong to anyone. So let me go you bastard!"

Naraku glared at me over his shoulder and I flinched at his angry stare. He walked over towards the bed and stood in front of me looking at me from head to toe.

"You know originally I was going to kill you once I got you..well the real you Tsukiko, but then I realized that I was rushing things." He paused making sure I was looking at him then went back I speaking "So I was like 'Why the rush? I have plenty of time', so I decided that I was going to keep you as pet...a slave if you like to call it."

Naraku leaned forward closer in my face his anger clearly showing. Then hr grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling me forward "So that means for now on you will respect me and call me Master...that means you better watch what you say to me and how you say it to me. And if you disobey me imma tell you what I told Tsukiko...I will punish you I. any way I can think of, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you, and then I would kill your brothers."

I flinched at those words. I looked at him narrowing my eyes "Who wouldn't dare!"

"Try me then." he said "Now do I make myself clear?!"

I hesitated in answering. I didn't want him to hurt my brothers...their the only family I have and yes even though they lied to me about everything for so long..I still love them and they must had a good reason for lying to me for all those years.

"I said do you understand?!" Naraku pulled on my hair again when I didn't answer.

I winced then nodded trying to hide the tears in my eyes "Y-Yes..."

"Yes what?"

"Y-Yes Master..." ugh...I felt sick just by calling him that.

He let go of my hair and stood up straight " sit here until I call for you."

I watched as he walked out the room slamming the doors behind him and you could hear locks clicking on the other side. When I heard him walk away I laid down the bed covering my face with the pillow and cried loudly...wondering what I done to deserve this.


Sorry the chapter is shorter as usual...kinda having a more difficult time continuing please bear with me I'm trying the best I can.

Thank you..


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