Chapter 62: Stay Out of Our Life

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I was pacing back and forth in my office sighing with fustration. I was way beyond worried. I entrusted Uriah and Itachi (my two best guards) to accompany Tsukiko on her trip to town while I got some work done, but she hasn't came back home yet let alone call.

I was about to walk out my office and go out to make sure she was okay when my phone started ringing. Please be her. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and it wasn't Tsukiko calling but it was Itachi.

I answered it. "Itachi where is Tsukiko?!"

"That's what I'm calling about." Itachi said. "Tsukiko is here at the hospital."

"What happened? Is everything okay?!"

"She started having really bad contractions so we brought her to the hospital.  Not the human hospital."

"I know which one you're talking about." I said. "Alright, also call her brothers and sister and tell them i'll be there as soon as possible."

"Yes sir."

I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket and grabbed my coat and car keys heading for the door, but before I could walk out my office the door opened and my father walked in. I stopped and frowned narrowing my eyes at the sight of him. "What the hell are you doing here? More important how the hell did you get in here?"

Father sighed and closed the door behind him. "I may not be the king anymore, but I did still use to live here."

I rolled my eyes. "Well leave I don't have time for this." I tried to walk out the door l, but my father stepped in front of it.

"Where are you going?" He asked looking at me in the eyes.

"To the hospital." I said. "Tsukiko is going into labor and I must be there by her side. Now Move."

Father didn't move. "So you go that whore pregnant."

I growled a little. "Don't you dare fucking call my wife a whore you bastard."

Father scoffed. "You even married her. Can't you get it through that thick skull of yours that she is just using you? She doesn't love you--"

I growled No one is going to insult my wife! I put my arm against my fathers throat and slammed him against the door. "Listen here you bastard you are NOT going to insult my wife. Keep talking and i'll rip your heart from your chest."

Father sighed. "I don't see why you're getting upset. Maybe you're just too stupid to see the truth. That WHORE Tsukiko Yukimura is just using you it's in her nature she's uses men just so she can just kill you in the end."

I narrowed my eyes the wall starting infront of me starting to form cracks. "Shut your fucking mouth. Tsukiko is NOT like that. Not anymore!!"

"How do you know she really loves you? How do you know she's not faking all this so called love for you? Hell how do you even know that child she's having is even yours? Do you have any idea how many guys that whore has fucked? Once  whore always a whore there is no changing that."

I removed my arm from my fathers throat then grabbed the sword I kept hiden near the door and without hesitating I shoved the sword deep into my fathers chest but also missing the heart.

Father gritted his teeth and grabbed my wrist glaring at me blood coming from the corners of his mouth. "What the hell are you doing Naraku?! You dare attack your father--"

"Shut the fuck up." I snapped. "I don't consider you my father anymore you are nothing but a piece of shit to me. But because I don't want Miroku getting upset with me I won't kill you, but if you say one more word about Tsukiko I don't care about Miroku getting upset I will kill you."

Father coughed up some more blood. "I see I'm too late that whore has already blinded you. She is manipulating you, putting things into your head to you to love her."

"Tsukiko is not controlling me or tricking me into loving her. I fell in love with her on my own." I said.

Father laughed. "You are my son. You cannot love. You cannot feel happiness or sadness. "

"That's where you're wrong. I can love because I married Tsukiko. I can feel happiness because I feel happy that I'm about to be a father. And when I am a father I will treat my child not like how you treated me, but with love not discipline. And yes Tsukiko may have had a rough past, but she is no longer what she used to be. She is Tsukiko Ichiyo, my wife."

"That whore is not an Ichiyo and never will be." Father spat in anger.

"I don't care what you think. You have no say." I grabbed my coat off the floor and opened the door then removed the sword from my fathers chest and watched him fall to the floor then I glared at him. "I don't want to see your pathetic face ever again and you better be gone by the time I get back or there will be hell to pay."

"If you do this Naraku you will regret it." Father threatened but I didn't even care.

"Say what you want but I mean it. Stay out of lives. If you come back I will kill you and thats not a threat thats a promise." I said and walked slamming the door shut ignoring my father angrily calling my name.

I didn't have time to deal with him I had to get to Tsukiko because today I am going to be father.

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