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„Made it just in the last second Hanse.", Jeno says, his black hair falling over his one eye a bit, making his expression seem intimidating automatically.

„You fucking called us out with no warning beforehand, what did you expect dude? Jeez, what's the deal here anyways for all of us to gather. Can't those two just beat it out of each other on their own?", Hanse answers, sighing as he stands up straight. He may have a big mouth but sometimes lacks a bit necessary stamina in the group.

Compared to Jeno, who's outfit consists of a top and jeans, Hanse wears boots with quite a bit of heel, along with half a skirt over his jeans, a sleeveless crop top over his top as well and jewelry.

But both are dressed in dark colors, mostly black, like all of the gang are.

Everyone has a bit of their own style.

And their own reason to be part of this gang and act how they do now.

Jeno on his end sometimes questions how he became the leader of this pack, or even just a part of it.

Sure, he likes to be violent and doesn't hesitate to beat someone up right away, yet he also has always kept people away from himself, at all times.

The fact that his facial expressions usually don't change much and his emotionless face seems intimidating is also something that has helped him stay on his own.

Before he knew it or could do anything they declared Jeno their boss. Like this he arranges meetings with each other or just the functionality, like right now, settling things.

It is quite a bother to him and honestly he sometimes doesn't feel like doing anything, would rather stay alone, then again they kind of depend on him by now. And like this he can't just drop them and decided to just do the most necessary things, else let them do whatever they want and roam freely.

The gang is rather known around the area, not only because they fight openly, but also because they have never been punished for anything. Also, as long as one doesn't pick a fight with them directly or looks at them wrong they won't harm anyone. Mostly.

„They could. But that will end with one of them dead sooner or later. Right Jeno?", Yeosang says as he walks towards those two, Jeno nodding quietly with his arms crossed, not really listening but trusting that whatever was said was something somewhere right.

„We're here for damage control. Also to hold off those who want to interfere.", San says, leaning onto Yeosang's shoulder.

One can say what they want about San, but he definitely doesn't look like he's happy to be called out here for such a simple reason. He's annoyed somewhere, yet trying to hide it.

Jeno watches the argument between Taehyun and Bambam paying it some side attention, as the first throw insults at each other, the Bambam throws the first punch.

Yet both only use their bare fists, so it's nothing to step into yet. Jeno decides to let them both get some steam off with each other, it's not his problem if they're in pain afterwards.

While shortly looking around his surroundings in boredom he notices something.

On the other side of the road, a few meters away. A young man, dressed in a light pink hoodie, black hair and light blue jeans. Who seems to get harassed by an older man.

Even from this far away Jeno can see how the guy is uncomfortable and trying to get the other to back off.

For some reason watching this situation seems way more interesting to watch than his friends beating each other over a stupid reason.

He's surprised when the guy suddenly slaps the man, who had tried to touch him.
However it wasn't just interesting anymore when he notices the man punched the boy back, the force of it causing the other to get thrown back and hitting a street lantern behind him.

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