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„Xion, Mark, please! Please just let me meet Jeno alone! Don't embarrass me in front of him, I'm not good enough friends with him for this!", Jaemin whines, struggling to get his friends to back off and leave him alone. Yet to ensure that they will meet Jeno under any circumstance, they have each taken one of Jaemin's arms and are clinging onto them tightly.

Xion, „I will only let you go once we're in front of Jeno!"

Mark, „Same goes for me. You might try to get rid of us beforehand."

Jaemin, „For a good reason!"

Soul, „Hey you three, where should I cling to Jaemin so I won't miss anything either!"

Their attention is onto Soul pretty quickly, Mark and Xion recognize him very quickly as they've met him before, for the search action. While Jaemin can only connect him to the profile picture he had seen in the chat.

Jaemin, „Soul, right?"

Soul, „Yup, you're correct. Now, where are we going to meet that Jeno?"

Jaemin, „Uhm, I think you may have already ran past him."

None of the three expected that answer, as they all look at Jaemin with confused looks on their faces.

„What, don't look at me like that! Where else should I meet with him than in front of the gates? He doesn't know where I live after all!"

„Right. I'm still a bit surprised about it though.", Mark answers, speaking for all three of them.

And since they continued walking as they talked, they've reached the gates by now, just standing there in the middle, Jaemin looking somewhat lost on what to do.

Jeno had heard them talking from afar for a while now, he had also side eyed Soul who had passed him earlier once he heard the guy mention Jaemin's name. Since the group keep on talking about him and kind of making Jaemin feel lost, Jeno decides to come over to the group, to end the little spectacle that they are starting to create. Shouting Jeno's name around often catches people's attention, some are just curious and want gossip, others are scared immediately.

„Can't you guys pipe it down a bit, people will start starring.", he says, yet since he kind of came from behind, even if it more was the side where Mark was on, but more backs were turned to him this way, basically all three people flinch. Except Jaemin, who rather only gets goosebumps shortly upon hearing the others slightly deep, still monotonous yet also somewhat calming voice this close so suddenly.

Jaemin turns to him right away, a little nervous, „J-Jeno! I'm sorry, they just came along..."

Jeno, „I'm not mad or anything, I don't care. It's just that you should be careful when throwing my name around, especially so loud. You might get pulled into trouble if you're not careful, also it'll always get peoples attention as you might notice when looking around."

After having jumped from the scare and calming down from it a bit, the three who have never met Jeno until now do as he says, look around. And they're kind of shocked at how many people keep looking or glancing at them, whispering to each other.

Jaemin, „They can talk all they want, I don't care. By the way, did you have to wait for long?"

Jeno, „Nah, it's fine. It wasn't that long. What's important is that you showed up at all, wouldn't you say so as well?"

Jaemin, „You're right there."

A bit stunned the other three watch how the two talk to each other, like nobody else is there or between them. They just focus on each other.

Hesitate to break this a bit, yet also feeling like he should say something, Xion starts off.

„Uhm, are we interrupting an intimate moment or something? What did we miss?"

Jaemin, a little shocked and embarrassed, „What?!"

Mark, „Don't „what" us, you two just straight up ignored us!"

Jaemin, „Well I didn't plan on you to even come along and meet him yet!"

Soul, „How patient do you expect us to be?"

Jaemin, „More than this!"

As they kind of bicker with each other, Jeno can make out very quickly that those three are good people and it's definitely no harm for Jaemin to be friends with them. They don't believe every little rumor they hear it seems like, sure they flinched before and they seem to respect him despite all of that, but that's not much of a surprise to Jeno because of the way he's dressed and his body is built.

He doesn't mind watching them like this, it's rather amusing even if he doesn't seem like he's having fun.

However, Jeno notices someone else approach, someone who glares at him with a certain kind of hostility. Like he's protective.

And he's coming directly towards Jeno.

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