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With a pounding headache and a heavy feeling in his body Jaemin starts to wake up and regain consciousness. He can feel he's lying on something soft, along with something covering him, so he's most likely in a bed. Maybe he's at the nurse?

Questioning why he's now in a bed when he was walking around hallways in school just a few seconds before, Jaemin opens his his eyes, even if they still do feel quite heavy.

„Where... is this...", he more grumbles to himself in a raspy voice, since the walls aren't white like he had thought, instead they seem very dark colored, not just because it's kind of dark in the room.

There is a window next to him, through which he can see the moon shining brightly, telling him that it's in the middle of the night. The bed he's in is also colored rather dark, in black and dark grey. Yet a complete contrast to the walls, the ground seems to be a birch wood texture, a very light yellowish brown, some furniture also seeming more light compared to the wall.

„How do you feel? Got more sleep in now?"

Jaemin recognizes the voice right away this time, he turns his head to the side to see Jeno, walking in with a glass of water from an open doorframe, closed up with a curtain.
A bit overrun and still confused Jaemin takes the offered water so that he can answer better, since his throat felt as dry as a desert.

„I guess so... what happened? Why do I have a headache? Where am I now?"

„Easy there pastel boy. One thing after another."

„Then... what happened?"

„You passed out in the hallway. You're lucky I happened to pass by."

„I see... then, where is this right now? This doesn't look like the nurses office."

„Because it isn't. Ignore that it's a bit shabby somewhere, it's my home layer where we're in. Still needs a bit fixing and coloring, that's why the colors are so mismatched here and the curtain is at that door over there.", Jeno explains in short, pointing behind him at the doorframe he just came from.


„Since you said you have a headache I'm gonna get more water. You can rest here for a bit more, I don't mind. Also, mind answering your friends? Your phone has been going off for a while now."

As he leaves Jaemin just looks after the disappearing silhouette, still a bit overrun and confused. He has no idea why Jeno is doing all this for him or why, but at the same time Jeno seems kind of closed up and he doesn't want to pry in on his privacy too much. So he'll just accept it for now.

Turning on his phone Jaemin gets what Jeno had meant just now. Over 100 missed messages and 30 missed calls. His parents but especially his friends seem to have worried a lot. His parents got a call from school, saying a friend took him home with him, since he passed out. While his friends are freaking out, since Jeno's name seems to have a bad reputation.

Reading through the messages Jaemin feels even more confused. He has met and even talked with Jeno a few times now, yet he never seemed like the kind of guy to be this ruthless. To him Jeno has never been harmful, if anything rather careful or concerned. Like a protector.

Reading everything Jaemin decides to write a quick message to everyone back, as well as his parents, saying he'll call tomorrow since he doesn't want to wake anyone up now at this hour. Afterwards he turns his phone off again, in time for Jeno to come back with even more water.

Jaemin accepts it thankfully and drinks some more, once he's done Jeno takes the glass and puts it down on the ground next to the bed.

„You still seem tired.", are Jeno's words after a few seconds of silence in which both of them have looked at each other, Jaemin a little lost while Jeno seems to have the same cold look as always on his face.

Jaemin answers while rubbing one eye, „I still am I guess. Everything feels heavy."

„Then sleep. Sleep and stay for as long as you need to recover."

„What about you?"


„If I'm taking the bed, where will you sleep then?"

„Don't worry about it. Just close your eyes and stop thinking."

Saying that Jeno puts his hand over Jaemin's eyes, forcing them shut and closed like this, back into the darkness.

Even though Jaemin should be scared in this situation probably, he doesn't feel like that at all. Instead he feels safe and calm, the warmth of Jeno's hand which carefully covers his eyes is relaxing on his skin.

Not even three minutes later, Jeno takes his hand away again, seeing as how Jaemin's breath has gone back to slow and calm.

He fell back to sleep.

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