Chapter 23

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Alex POV

That afternoon, I dropped Alaya off at her house to make sure she arrived safely. I felt protective towards her. 

We were texting each other and meeting up on campus in our break times for the rest of that week.  My entire thoughts were consumed with her. What had happened to me because of this girl? I'm completely smitten. I only wish she had enough faith in me to give us a shot, but if she needs time, I'll wait for her. That doesn't mean I won't stop trying though.

I'd started sending Alaya corny text messages in the last few days. My feelings for her had turned me into this. I couldn't stop myself from becoming a cliched romantic person like the ones I once mocked. I had become someone who was sending cheesy love quotes without shame. Anyone who knew me would tell you that I was not the romantic type. And here I was, someone who was transformed into believing in cheesy love. You only get one chance to find someone special, so why not give it everything you've got? That's what I told myself.


Alex: Morning beautiful. I'm lost. Can you give me directions to your heart? 😉

Alaya: Alex, we talked about this? No more cheesy pick up lines. Lols

AlexHey, you have to admit that was a good one? What are your plans for the weekend? 😎

Alaya: Haha. Not got much on. I'm trying to prepare myself for my first class on Monday with Professor Green. Do I have to bring anything? I'm nervous. Still haven't broken the news to my parents. 😔

Alex: Hey don't be nervous. I'm here for you aren't I? You'll know when the time is right to tell them. Why don't you pop down to the T-House café to take your mind off things? We have a singing session on tonight at 6pm. Tori will be here. She's going to sing tonight. 🎵🎶🎤

Alaya: I'd have to check with my mum as we normally have movie night on Saturdays and tonight's my night to choose a movie.

Alex: Oh okay. Would have loved to have seen you. Plus I know Tori was feeling nervous about singing as it is her first time in front of a crowd. No worries. Hope you have a nice evening. 


I was disappointed that she was unable to attend. However, I understood. Maybe next time I thought.

Alayas POV

Alex had been sending me these adorable text messages for the past few days, which I must confess have made me smile ear to ear. I look forward to his text messages every day, and they never fail to impress me. I won't tell him because he'll grow a huge head if I do. I appreciate how understanding he was when I told him we couldn't be more than friends, and how much he respected my decision. I've only known him for about a week, yet I already feel like we've known each other for a long time. 

I'd like us to be more than friends, if I'm being honest. I get the feeling I'm the only one in the room when I'm around him. During our free periods, we've been getting together. On break, Tori was with us and told me how she could see that we liked each other and how I was fooling myself if I thought we could just be friends. We've held each other's hands beneath the table in the canteen unexpectedly a few times, only to jerk away and act awkward about what we've done. With Alex, everything just seems so natural. We have a lot of things in common. I find myself thinking about him a lot. It's as if he's engraved himself into my heart, and I never want to be without him.

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