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The day had finally arrived for Justin's meeting with the executives from the Tokyo-based fashion line. Eva came into the office two hours early to ensure the conference room was properly setup, reserve one of the elevators for the day, and confirm that lunch was set to be delivered on time.

Justin also arrived early, but still about an hour after Eva and he was pleased to see that everything already appeared to be in order. With pursed lips and nodding approvingly, his eyes scanned over the conference room that was perfectly set up for the meeting. He'd been impressed with Eva's work for the past two months she'd been working at PMC Group and she was the longest he'd gone without having any complaints about an assistant.

"This looks good, Eva," he commented. "I'm going to do some last minute prep up until time for our meeting. Ben should be getting here not long before our guests arrive, so you just have to greet them and hand them over to him."

"Easy enough," Eva replied calmly before heading back to her desk. Given that she was so early for work and had essentially finished her morning tasks other than meeting with Adrian who hadn't arrived yet. She scrolled through her missed texts from the night before.

Alexis: Hey sis, how's that thing I asked you to work on going?

Eva rolled her eyes at the vagueness of her sister's message. Alexis would often speak in code in any written correspondence about Eva working at PMC Group to avoid creating any proof of what they were doing.

Unknown number: Did you get the roses I sent? Can we please talk sometime soon? I really want to reconnect.

Again, Eva rolled her eyes. After she rejected Eric's proposal, the two of them broke up and that was it for her. She didn't know what else there was to discuss. They simply were not a good match and Eric seemed oblivious to that. In fact, Eva had been planning to dump him right around the time that he proposed and in the back of her mind, she wondered if it was some strong-arm attempt to save their failing relationship.

Logan: I'm back in town next week. What do you think?

Eva released an entertained huff and shook her head. Logan was a bold man who'd made it very clear to Eva that he wanted to please her, but he was too easy. She enjoyed a bit of a game beforehand, but she still kept in contact with him in case she was in the mood some day.

Jade: Hey girl! Have you heard of this sex club called The Scarlet Lounge? It's the most exclusive one in the city and I just got an invite. I know you haven't been on the scene as much since you've been back, but do you wanna come?

Eva pondered Jade's offer for a few minutes. She used to be more involved with the community, attending sex clubs or parties and playing with various partners, but she'd lost interest. It was fun and she'd often encourage her other friends to get involved, which is why Jade had entered the scene, but Eva's sex drive was oddly out of wack over the past year. She still had a roster of men she'd some times hook up with, but she was able to go weeks or even months without having sex. She enjoyed it when she did it, but there always seemed to be something missing that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Eva: How about you go a few times with Greg or someone else and get a good read on the energy and let me know?

After finishing her text messages, Eva turned her attention back to her computer and scrolled aimlessly through emails as people entered the office for work. Ben had arrived and surprisingly didn't meet with Justin. Eva was surprised that a type-A micromanager like Justin didn't want to meet with Ben every day leading up to the meeting, but she also recognized why that was probably the case.

Finally, Eva got the call that she'd been waiting for notifying her that the Japanese guests were downstairs and sent Justin an email that she was going to retrieve them.

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