Chapter 1

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London weather was colder then it every has been in May as Liam sat back of his car, his phone in his ear as he spoke to a potential client who could make Payne Enterprises richer than it has ever been.

 Last week Payne enterprise lost their number one manufacturer and that has set Liam off to be colder than usual, his know for never cracking a smile and his stony expression an act he puts on because inside he’s a disgruntled mess.

Everybody thinks Liam has everything under wrap and he simple doesn’t care about anyone or anything. They see him as a gray robot devoid of any emotions, they are right Liam only knows two emotions and they are anger and frustration.

What they don’t know about Liam is that he does a heart buried deep inside a guarded wall someone just has to demolish it.

  “Mr. Payne we’re here” Liam heard his driver say.

Liam nodded at him as he ended the phone call and stepped out of the car and headed into the little cafe.  He needed caffeine, to minimise the stress he had been under lately.

Liam stood in line; he was in sweats and a hoodie making him unrecognisable. His phone buzzes at the back of his sweats and he takes it out, replying to yet another client.

“H-Hello?” an accented voice said politely, Liam lifted his head up from his phone to see a boy who looked about the same age as him, his hair was bleached blonde as he could see his roots, his eyes  were a light blue and they sparkled.

“Yes?” Liam asked politely

“What can I get you?” He asks his eyes only glancing at Liam’s for a second.

“What would you recommend?” Liam asks and Niall can’t help but think his voice is warm and husky like dark melted chocolate fudge caramel. Niall shakes his head to gather his thoughts; his heart is beating frantically and for some reason his blushing furiously under Liam’s steady scrutiny. He is utterly thrown by the sight of the man standing before him, his the epitome of male beauty, breathtaking.

 “The cappuccino is pretty good” Niall mutters “Would you like that?”

Liam smiles and Niall feels like he’s privy to some big secret. It makes him feel a little uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath, Niall puts on his professional I’ve worked-in-this-café-for-years facade.

“The cappuccino it is then” Liam says smiling at Niall. Niall nods his head at him

“That’ll be £ 6.75 pounds” Niall says, Liam hands him the money and Niall gets to making him his cappuccino, feeling like his under pressure as the brunette man is watching his every action.

His thankful when his finished, feeling like he wouldn’t be able to handle any more of the man’s stares.

“Here you go” Niall says handing Liam his coffee with a smile.

“Thank...” Liam says only to stop looking at the name badge on the blonde boy’s work shirt.

Niall Horan.

 “Thank you Mr. Horan” Liam says,  

“You’re welcome” Niall says his eyes meeting Liam’s , they stare at each other for a moment and Niall see’s something flicker through Liam’s eyes but it’s gone before he can recognise it.

“I’ll see you around then Mr. Horan” Liam says giving Niall a devious smirk. His out of the cafe before Niall could respond to him.

@aaronmk suggested I do a Niam BDSM story so I thought why not. This first chapter is really shit but I’ll try to make the next one better. I literally have no plot yet to this so we’ll see how this goes.

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