Chapter 30

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Niall stood nervously at the front of the huge building, he was in a black suit,l and his hair was styled perfectly. He stared in awe at the cameras that were flashing at some of the guest that were arriving, Liam had told him the ball was a huge event but Niall didn't think it was this big of a deal. He resisted the urge to run his hands through his hair out of nervous and instead focused on trying to calm himself down a bit.

"I'll escort you inside Mr. Horan" Ashton says, his hands going to Niall's waist, pushing him slightly to knock him out of his trace and get him to move. Ashton makes sure that they get into the building without being photographed and Niall mentally thanks him because he isn't sure how well he would handle having his face on the paper or on the internet it's something he'll rather not happen to him.

The inside of the ball is simply beautiful, it's beyond what Niall imagined it to be, the beauty of it has him in such awe. Niall is sure that everything in the room is made out of diamonds, the way the room sparkled like glitter. It was truly beautiful.

There was a lot of people all dressed in suits and designer dresses. Champagne glasses being held while chattering and soft jazz music playing on the background, it looked like a scene from the titanic. Niall groaned internally because now with all these people it was going to he difficult to find Liam and the fact that he was going to have to have a conversation with People he didn't know and were sure to judge him. He was never good with meeting new people.

"I've got some things I need to sort out, do you think you can stay here alone?" Ashton asks breaking Niall out of his trace once again. He bites his bottom lip, not wanting Ashton to leave him by himself but nods not wanting to be a burden to him.

"Call me if you need anything, you have my number" Ashton says and Niall nods, Ashton turns and walks out the building.

Niall stands awkwardly around the room, looking for Liam. He can't help but think he must look really lost.

"Are you alright love?" A lady says, Niall snaps his head and sees a sandy haired woman, staring at him with concern. She is dressed in a black dress with matching shoes and looks elegant.

"Yeah, sorry I'm just taking in the beauty of this place" Niall says, letting out a small laugh.

"It is quite beautiful" she says "if I may ask what is your name?"

"Niall, Niall Horan" Niall says.

"Nice to meet you Niall" she says, holding her hand out to Niall "I'm Karen Payne"

Niall lets out a little gasp, his heart pounding. Shit. This is Liam's mother, his meeting Liam's mother. He tries to remain as calm as possible as he accepts her hand shake, looking into her hazel eyes that have a warm glow in them.

"Mother" a voice says, ending their hand shake "I see you've met Niall"

"Yes" Karen says "how do you two know each other" she asks unable to hide her curiosity.

"Niall is a friend of mine" Liam says and ouch that hurt more than Niall thought it would.

"Why have you never told me about him?" Karen asks with a frown.

"No reason, just never slipped my mind" Liam says with a shrug, Niall tries to conceal the hurt he is feeling, not wanting to cry in front of Liam and his mother.

"I'm really not that important" He says, trying to make it seem like a joke but the truth was he meant every word he said. He wasn't important to Liam, he was stupid to think he was.

Liam never talked about him to his family, he introduced him to his mother as a friend when he knows what he and Niall have is far more than friendship. Fuck, Niall was so hurt.

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