Chapter 7

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The helicopter slowly lifted off the platform of the building and Niall could feel his stomach rising with it as well. He was scared but seeing the boyish grin plastered on Liam’s face made the fear seem worth it. He looked so young and happy, as if he was showing someone one of his favourite toys. It was adorable. Not that Niall would ever tell him that.

Niall’s attention turned to the wonderful city starting to fade while they slowly flew across the sky. Niall could feel his stomach starting to ease and his excitement starting fill me. Niall placed his hand on the glass of the window feeling as if his hand could dance with the stars. Everything was so far away; Niall and Liam were the only ones. He looked over at Liam and Liam glanced over at Niall before turning his attention back to the handles of the helicopter.

This was so exhilarating and Niall was unsure if it was the thought of being so distant from the world, or being so close to Liam. He leaned back in his seat feeling a lot more comfortable, the fear slowly starting to disperse. The lights of the town swayed beneath them and Niall smiled down at them.

The helicopter slowly drifted down to a building with the large letters of L.P on them. Once the helicopter was safely down Liam climbed out, walking over to Niall’s side, pulling the door open.

Their eyes met and for a moment Niall thinks they both forgot that he was strapped in still.

Liam snapped out of the daze first, letting his hand trail along Niall’s waist as he undid the strap.

Niall swings his legs over the side and for a moment he is taller than Liam. He looks down at Liam and Liam chuckles pulling him down so once again he is towering over Niall. the wind blows against Niall’s skin and the goosebumps  slowly raise upon his skin. Liam’s fingertips slowly run down his arms, only causing more bumps to rise.

“Let’s get inside yes?” Niall nods and follows close behind Liam to the elevator that is awaiting them.

They both step into the elevator and Liam presses the button causing the doors to slowly close. Niall stands near the wall not saying anything not sure what he can say just yet.

“Is this something you do often?” Liam seems caught off guard by Niall’s question and Niall shakes his head so he can clarify “I mean dazzle men with your fancy helicopter and then to your place to do god knows what”

The words taste like venom dripping off Niall’s tongue. He doesn’t know what Liam’s intention for the night could be but Niall doesn’t know what else he could have said.

“I’ve never taken anyone else in my helicopter before” Liam says not even looking at Niall. his hands are wrapped around the silver bar placed against the walls of the elevator. His knuckle are starting to turn red and Niall fears that his upset him.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset...”

“I’m not upset” Liam cuts Niall off just in time for the elevator doors to open. He walks out of the elevator which leads directly into a lavish apartment. The windows very open much like the one’s in Liam’s office. The white furniture placed in the corner closer to the window.  A black piano is placed in the centre of the room. Niall walks over to it running his finger over the outline of the piano.

“Would you like some wine?” Liam questions.

“Yes please” Niall continues looking over the piano “You play?”

Liam steps out of the kitchen with two glasses of red wine placed in his hands “Yes I do” he sets Niall’s glass on the piano and Niall quickly grabs it. he places the glass against his lips taking small sips from it. The cool liquid slowly swarms down to his stomach and Niall feels himself loosening a bit.

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