Chapter 8

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Harry is woken up when he hears his alarm go off, he groans and turns to his side turning the device off.  His eyes flutter as the sunlight radiated from the windows, he slowly began to open them the sunlight shone on his face, his toes curled, fingers twitched and his eyes blinked as he began to wake up.

He slowly sits against the head board, taking a long yawn before he turns his attention the girl sleeping next to him. He turns to check the time 6:34 am. He gets out of bed and walks downstairs.

Once downstairs he heads to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Once his coffee is done he fixes it to his liking. 3 small cups of milk and 4 sugars, he sits and drinks his coffee, he gets carried away into his thoughts but is broken out of them when he hears footsteps. Niall comes quietly and he doesn't seem to notice Harry his yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Harry notices that he looks tired and the way his walking.

Liam must have been a little rough

"Good morning" Harry says watching as Niall jumps from sheer shock.

"Um... Morning?" Niall says in a questioning tone looking at the green eyed boy who has nothing but boxers on.

"How are you feeling?" Harry examines how Niall looks. His hair is messy. His face obviously giving off his tiredness. He's wearing Liam's black t-shirt; it's slightly big on him but not big enough to hide the pair of underwear underneath. And he notices that Niall is wearing socks. He must be cold.

"I'm okay..." Niall says awkwardly because he doesn't know who this man is and why his asking him strange questions "Where's Liam?"  

Harry ignores Niall's question and stares at him for a moment before speaking

"Would you like some coffee?" he says gesturing to the coffee. Niall frowns at him but nods anyway.

Harry quickly stands up, opening the cabinet and getting a mug for Niall. he hands it to Niall who is now seated on the island.

"The milk and sugar is here. But there's creamer in the fridge" Harry tells him and Niall nods.

"Thank you" Niall says.  It's silent between them again.

"Where's Liam?" Niall asks again, looking into Harry's eyes. Harry gulps and breaks the eye contact because he can't look into Niall's eyes with what his about to say he knows it'll break the boy.

"His gone to work, Ashton is going to take you home, he said he'll call you" He answers

"Oh" Niall says and his words come out calmer than he expected despite the tears threatening to escape because this was all a one night stand to Liam. He gave his virginity to Liam and it meant nothing to him and fuck if it didn't hurt.

"T-Take m-me home" Niall stutters, all the air seems to be sucked out of the small room and Niall himself almost gasping for air as the reality of all this sets in.

"Okay" Harry says and he looks at Niall for a moment feeling bad for the boy because he doesn't deserve this. "Ashton!"

Niall see's a man in a black suit enter the kitchen "Yes?" he says.

"Can you take Niall home" Harry says

"Sure" Ashton says "Follow me"

Niall stands up and follows Ashton, not caring that his in nothing but socks and Liam's shirt. They make it out of the house and Ashton opens the car door and when Niall climbs in he closes it again.

Niall shakily grabs the seat belt his hands trembling as he straps it on. Ashton is looking at Niall through the rear view mirror, watching as the blonde boy's lips tremble and he blinks rapidly to fight back the tears.

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