Chapter 40

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"Sorry I'm late" Niall says as he steps inside Zayn and Louis flat.

"It's fine" Zayn says, closing the door behind him, "is everything okay?" Niall had called him this morning wanting to talk, he sounded like he was torn up about something and Zayn was kind of worried.

"I think I'm going to end it" He says as he walks to the lounge, Zayn following behind him.

"Liam and you?" Zayn asks taking a seat on the couch watching as Niall begins to pace back and forth.

"Yeah" Niall confirms "I just can't do it anymore, all the secrets and lies. He's never going to open up to me and I can't wait around forever"

"Oh wow" Zayn says shocked he had never expected Niall to be the one to end things, he knew how deeply in love he's friend was with Liam.

"If you thinks it's for the best then I support you completely" Zayn says, he was proud of Niall for sticking up for himself and putting his own needs first.

"I really love him but this morning was just the last straw" Niall says as he stops pacing.

"What happened this morning?" Zayn asks with a frown,

"He drove Harry to the airport because he's moving to New Yo-" Niall doesn't get to finish his sentence because Zayn is shouting.

"He fucking what?!" Niall is taken back for a moment but he speaks again

"He moved to New York"

"That son of a bitch" Zayn growls "how the fuck could he just move fucking countries without telling me" Niall notices that he's talking to himself more than him.

"I don't kn-" He goes to say something but stops himself when he realises something.

"How do you know Harry, Zayn?" He questions suspiciously. And Zayn soon realises his mistake because he's eyes widen.

"Uh" He says, quickly racking he's brain to think of a lie but it's too late. He's fucked up.

"How do you know him?" Niall asks again voice more forceful.

"I don't" Zayn pathetically lies and Niall scoffs.

"Tell me the fucking truth" Niall says through clenched teeth "I'm fucking tired of everyone lying to me. Tell me the fucking truth now Zayn"

"Look Ni-"

"Tell me the truth Zayn!" Niall shouts causing Zayn to jump. He was so tired of this, he needed to be told the truth. There is nothing more he hated than being lied to especially by loved ones.

Zayn contemplates for a moment weighing the pros and cons of telling Niall the truth and trying to come up with a cover up but as he stares at his best friend he can't help it the truth slips out.

"We were kind of together, I don't know. it's complicated" He says sighing.

"So you knew him and you didn't tell me?" Niall asks but doesn't give Zayn the opportunity to speak because he starts talking again "and if you knew him then you must have known Liam as well"

Zayn freezes as Niall continues.

"And if Liam knew you, he must have known Louis as well. You all fucking know each other and you lied to me about it" Niall says, he could feel his anger starting to increase.


"How long have you known Liam for? Niall asks cutting Zayn off.

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