Chapter 37

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"What was that about?" Harry says as he walks into Liam's office, he had heard the argument between Niall and Liam that resulted in Niall leaving the office with a slam of the door and tears streaming down his face. He was coming to see Liam about something they had spoken about this morning before he left to visit Zayn.

"He found out I was seeing Soph" Liam says with a sigh, dragging his hands down his face he was both exhausted and frustrated because Niall wouldn't believe him. He doesn't blame Niall if he was being honest his never given Niall any reason to trust him.

"Why would that cause an argument?" Harry asks, brows furrowed in confusion.

"He thinks I'm cheating on him" Liam says, Harry lets out a laugh.

"Is he serious?" Liam nods his head.

"You two are just friends that's ridiculous" Harry says. "You would never cheat" The last thing Liam would do was cheat on someone especially with growing up and how many times his father cheated on his mother with multiple woman. Harry knows Liam hates the thought of cheating especially on someone you love.

"I know" Liam says "but he doesn't believe me and I don't blame him really"

"Maybe if you told him about the past between you and Soph he would understand" Harry says, "you know how Niall feels about honesty"

Liam nods because he does know. Niall hates being lied to, he prefers people to be straight with him. He doesn't like secrets and believes that being honest no matter the situation is the most important thing in life. Liam knows his right, he just has never been the type to be honest about things.

He knows that he should tell Niall about his past with Sophia but to him it's not important. Sure they dated when he was fifteen but that was before he discovered he preferred dicks.

Sophia and him have always been friends way before their young relationship. They've known each other since they were little, his mother and Sophia's are close friends and Sophia's brother John is engaged to his sister Ruth. Both their families are extremely close.

"You know he'll over react" Liam says "he didn't take the news of you being my ex fiancé very well, so how do you think he'll take it when I tell him I'm hanging out with an ex girlfriend"

"Yeah but it's Niall, he'll understand more than you think" Harry says, Niall was a very understanding person but Liam failed to see that.

"I'll speak to him later" Liam says, knowing that Harry is right "right now I need to find out who sent those pictures of me and Soph"

"Pictures?" Harry asks confused

"An unknown number sent them to him and I think the person might be trying to tell Niall things you and I both don't want him to know" Liam says, running a hand through his hair "we need to speak to both Zayn and Louis"

"You don't think it's them do you?" Harry asks with a shock expression

"No they wouldn't they both have things they don't want Niall to know so I doubt it's them" Liam says, grabbing his suit jacket off the chair.

"Is zayn still home?" He asks Harry and he nods.

"Okay good, we'll go over now" Liam says, he looks in his suit jacket to grab his phone out, deciding to make a phone call.

"Who are you calling?" Harry asks curious.

"Louis" Liam says phone pressed to his ear. The phone is picked up after the third ring.

"What do you want?" Louis growls.

"Meet me at your flat. It's an emergency" Liam says, ignoring Louis rudeness.

"I'll be there" Louis says before hanging up.

"Let's get going" Liam says placing the phone back in his pocket. He and Harry walk out the office, making their way out the company building.

"Have you decided what you're going to do?" Liam says after five minutes of silent driving.

"What?" Harry asks, breaking out of his day dream.

"About our conversation this morning" Liam says, looking over at Harry for a minute before turning his gaze back to the road.

"Oh" Harry says "no, I'm still thinking about it. It's not an easy decision to make considering everything"

Liam nods because he understands. He doesn't say anything after that putting an end to their conversation.

They don't take very long to drive to Zayn and Louis shared flat and soon enough Harry and Liam find themselves entering the flat, Louis having left the door open knowing they were coming.

They make their way upstairs where Liam assumes Zayn and Louis are.

"What the fuck is he doing here" Zayn says when he sees Liam entering his room.  Liam rolls his eyes.

"It's an emergency" Louis says and Zayn seems to calm down at that. They all know this routine, the only time all four of them are ever in the same room is when something that's going to fuck up all their lives up is about to come.

'An emergency' is the only time they can tolerate each other and actually work as a team to prevent their dirty secrets being revealed.

"I need to find out who this unknown person texting Niall is. To do that I need your help" Liam says arms crossed over his chest.

"The person isn't just texting him, they're calling him as well" Louis says, beside Zayn "he told me that they've been calling him constantly for the past few weeks"

"Why should I help you?" Zayn asks sitting up against the headboard.

"Because I think this person has intentions to reveal whatever it is they know about not only Liam but us as well and I know we all have shit we don't want Niall to know" Harry says crossing his arms, looking almost identical to Liam.

The tension in the room seems to intensify after Harry finishes speaking. Louis and Zayn were on the other side of the room, Liam and Harry on the opposite.

"What do you think they know?" Zayn asks

"Not sure but does it matter? Every one of our secrets are bad" Liam says,

Zayn doesn't say anything knowing full well that Liam is right. All of them have secrets only four of them know and no matter much they hate each other, they will always keep each other's secrets.  They know that if Niall finds out everything will fall apart. Zayn and Louis will lose their best friend, Liam will lose Niall for life, Harry will forever be hated by Niall.

"I'll call Michael" Zayn says grabbing his phone from the bedside table.

"Alright, let me know if you find out something" Liam says,

"Will do" Zayn says phone pressed to his ear.

"Are you coming or will I see you later tonight?" Liam asks Harry.

"I'm staying for a bit" Harry says and Liam nods walking out the room not bothering to say goodbye.

I don't even know what this is loool. Anyways being the dumb fuck I am I decided to get false nails today So I won't be updating for a while but till then Merry Christmas and Happy new year! hope you have good holidays and I'll be back soon! Much love xxx

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