Chapter 15

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If you haven't already read chapter 14 sorry, Wattpad made it private.

When Niall wakes up, it's still dark. He stretches out beneath the duvet, feeling sore, deliciously sore. Liam is nowhere to be seen. Niall sits up, when he hears music playing. The lilting notes of the piano, a sad, sweet lament.

He wraps the duvet round himself and quietly pads down the corridor toward the big room. Liam is at the piano, completely lost in the music he's playing. His expression is sad and forlorn, like the music. His playing is stunning. Leaning against the wall at the entrance, Niall listens enraptured. Liam is sitting naked, his body bathed in the warm light cast by a solitary freestanding lamp beside the piano. With the rest of the large room in darkness, it's like he's in his own isolated little pool of light, untouchable, lonely, in a bubble.

Mesmerized by Liam's playing Niall walks towards him, watching his long skilled fingers play the piano. Those same fingers have handled and caressed his body. He flushes at the memory.

Liam glances up, his brown eyes bright, his expression unreadable.

"Sorry" Niall whispers "I didn't mean to disturb you."

A frown flits across Liam's face.

"You should be in bed" Liam murmurs. He finishes playing and puts his hands on his legs.

He runs his fingers through his hair and stands. His pants hang from his hips and Niall's mouth goes dry as he casually strolls around the piano toward Niall. Niall notices his broad shoulders, narrow hips, and his abdominal muscles ripple as he walks. Niall can't help but think that he really is stunning.

"I woke up and you weren't there"

"I find it difficult to sleep and I don't sleep with people" he murmurs.

"I'll feel better if you came and laid down with me" Niall says, he notices how Liam's frown gets deeper.

When he gets no respond from Liam, he sighs and begins to walk back upstairs. When inside the bedroom, he pulls the duvet aside and climbs back onto the bed, closing his eyes and willing sleep to take over him. But nothing comes, he doesn't know how long he spends staring up at the ceiling but eventually he finds himself walking out of the room and heading into Liam's bedroom.

He finds the older man, asleep and trying not to wake him up he clambers in beside him, curling into Liam's chest, closing his eyes as sleep immediately overcomes him.


Liam is woken up by the never ending ringing of his phone, rubbing his eyes and groaning a bit as he felt a weight on his chest. He frowns as he lets his eyes adjust to the bright light coming from the curtains. When his eyes have adjusted he looks down and sees a mop of blonde hair on his chest.

Niall was sound asleep on his chest, he frowns gently pushing him off his chest deciding to deal with him later. He gets up from the bed and looks at his bedside table, grabbing his phone.

Walking out of the room, he looks through his phone finding he has a missed call from his mother, deciding to ignore it he heads back upstairs.

When his back in his room, he finds that Niall has woken up.

"Morning" Niall says, smiling at him. Liam frowns at him, his teeth are clench.

"I thought I told you I don't sleep with people" Liam says through clench teeth, Niall gulps noticing the angry tone of Liam's voice.

"I couldn't sleep" he answers.

"That doesn't give you a right to sleep with me" Liam says "Did I give you permission?" Niall shakes his head.

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